Кстати идентификатор содержащий .accesskey - это и есть те буквы про которые я говорил ранее. Допустим есть help.acceskey “H”, если изменить на “П” то получим подчёркнутую активную букву в слове “Помощь”. Однако, чтобы так делать нужно будет словарь с учитыванием идентификаторов.
По поводу filebrowser - по опыту могу сказать, что это могут быть строки в самых неожиданных местах А могут и вообще не использоваться Но это я посмотрю потом.
This is why it might be better to talk in English on here, since that sounds like you might be reinventing the wheel. Mozilla already has a localization system in place, I will try and make some time to document it this week.
We know that mozilla have localization system. We just think how to make translate more faster and easier for anybody.
I’m translate my posts, if you need.
So okay, I’m remove -lang build from repository and rename install-lang.rdf to install.rdf. Also I remove install-adn.rdf cuz it’s not need.
If only it were that simple, someone has already done a long time localization…
I tried to do it on the way Mozilla, but it is very confusing and unclear. My way is much easier.
And something important I certainly will duplicate in English
Why would you want to create extensions with the same name?
Mozilla often makes things look way more difficult than they are. Your way works but will not be forward compatible, eg. if we add strings to files you’ve overridden then your translations will fail, rather than fall back on our phrases.
I do not understand Mozilla system localizing. I’m trying. I find only this way - I created a program that automatically converts the string in files used dictionary. It is simple.
I believe Mozilla isn’t quite consistent everywhere, so it’s best to just use lower case everywhere in chrome.manifest. (This is unrelated to the extension name, for what it’s worth; it’s just the locale or whatever lines.)