Russian translate / localization is here

Unfortunately getting use response is not easy, most people who are happy with what they use (ie. users of your translation) will not give it a second thought and will never be reading your message. But should you take away their translation they will likely flock on you.

If nobody response - I’m just don’t start remaking IDE8 translation to IDE9. I’m know English and can use Komodo without Russian language… I think I bring more benefits If I don’t spend my time on translation for 2-3 users and just work on another stuff for Komodo.
Anyway @laborpago can continue translating Komodo if he want and ask me a help in translation if he stuck (or another reason), I’m always ready to help. But if nobody response - I’m just will be support repository :wink:

What I meant to say was that its not because you aren’t seeing responses that no one cares; you are not reaching all of your users by a simple forum post.

I’m try to reach all of Russian users who uses Komodo editor :wink:

Good luck with that :wink:

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I moved 6 posts to a new topic: Italian Translation

Hello everyone. Just update version of Russian localization for Komodo Edit. Only Komodo Edit 9.0. localru-1.16-ko.xpi

Всем привет. Обновил версию русификатора под Komodo Edit 9.0. Ничего нового не переведено, но исправлено пару косяков. localru-1.16-ko.xpi


So I added a release to the Github repo if you don’t mind:
The new version should be available in Resources.

Hello. The updated version of localization 1.18 for Komodo Edit 9.0.1. In this version, back missing translation of add-on “Places”, translated the initial screen, and some fixes. I would like, of course, that there were fewer places untranslated, but the translation 9 Komodo complicated and time consuming. Line interface became very very scattered in strange places, some not found. However, the the translation did not become less.

Всем привет. Обновлённая версия русификатора 1.18 для Komodo Edit 9.0.1. В этой версии вернул пропавший перевод дополнения “Places”, перевёл начальный экран, а также исправлена пара косяков. Хотелось, конечно, оставить меньше непереведённых мест, но перевод 9 комодо усложнился и требует много времени. Строки интерфейса стали разбросаны совсем уж в странные места, некоторых и не найти. Впрочем, русификатор хуже не стал.

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Hello. The updated version of localization. Just for Komodo Edit 9.1.0.

Всем привет. Пересобранная версия русификатора для Komodo Edit 9.1.0. В самом переводе ничего нового.


Just change <em:maxVersion>9.1.0</em:maxVersion> to <em:maxVersion>9.*</em:maxVersion> to provide compatibility with new versions of Komodo Edit without creating a new XPI release.

И получишь сломанный комодо, если хоть один файл изменится в следующей версии. Я же уже объяснял вроде.

This only works if the files that this addon overrides have not been given any new localization strings since the last version. Should be fine for 9.0 > 9.1, but no guarantee for later version.

Hello. The updated version of localization. Only for Komodo Edit 9.2.0. Translated new items and fix some places of localization.

Всем привет. Русификатор под версию Komodo Edit 9.2.0. Переведены новые пункты и немного исправлений в переводе.


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GitHub release is available now:
The new version should appear in Packages in next hour.