Migrating from Komodo IDE 10 to 11

Thank you, I updated the ticket since I had it in there previously.

The installer says it’s not recommended to install over an install and it will have bad results. It also gave me an errno that the files/folder existed.

When you say you copy over the contents, you just drag and drop the contents of INSTALLDIR over your current install and overwrite everything? I think that’s what the installer does or would do if it didn’t errno out (I think it just needs something in the install.sh to forcefully overwrite). But, I will try that next time, thank you.

Yes, I use Linux (Xubuntu LTS). The latest generations of Windows and Mac left me without a usable computer, so a couple years back I made the official switch to Linux only and is the best for me ever since. No need to have to conform to whatever those big corporations force you to use and major changes daily (giving me nightmares/flashbacks).