Using Komodo IDE 11.0.1 on Windows 10. Whenever I edit a CSS file and finish a line with a semicolon, Code Intelligence pops up with a list of accepted declarations, the first one being -moz-appearance. If I press Enter to get a new line then -moz-appearance: is instead added to the file and I have to manually delete it. Is there any way to prevent Code Intelligence when I type a semicolon? I still want to keep it so that if I start typing max-w it should suggest max-width:.
Note that this only happens when Code Intelligence has no suggestion for the value of the current declaration or if I select something other than the suggested values.
I have tried starting Komodo IDE with the default settings but I am still faced with the same behavior.
Yes, in fact that’s why I looked at the forum last week.
I’ve been using Komodo IDE again because I’m now doing Ruby and RoR development. That includes working with stylesheets. I’ll attempt to add a screenshot.
I’m using v11.0.2 running on CentOS7. I have a screenshot, but I don’t see a way to attach it here.
No completions trigger after ; me. If you’re still seeing this issue please start a new thread as we’ll have to dig into specifically what might be going on in your case.