Different problems with Komodo12 python run stopped


With previous version, 12.0.0 I think, starting the python3 debugger slowed down considerably.

Yesterday running a python script did not react any more at all.

I now installed Komode IDE 12.0.1, and the problem persists.

Apart from the “fail to save private key” error, which I did not delved into yet, python scripts still don’t run.

Here is the install log (first two lines) and part of the log file of (one of) the first run(s) of Komodo:

Komodo IDE, version 12.0.1, build 91869, platform win32-x86.
Built on Mon Feb 10 18:14:23 2020.

[2021-05-20 11:06:39,290] [INFO] Startup: Welcome to Komodo IDE 12.0.1 build 91869 (platform win32-x86, running on Windows post2012Server version 6.3.9600)
[2021-05-20 11:06:39,292] [INFO] Startup: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\komodo.exe built on Mon Feb 10 18:14:23 2020
[2021-05-20 11:06:42,872] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm:381
[2021-05-20 11:06:42,964] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-20 11:06:43,331] [INFO] Platform Auth: Using API URL: https://platform.activestate.com//api/v1
[2021-05-20 11:06:43,332] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require(“ko/logging”) instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2021-05-20 11:06:45,109] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-20 11:06:45,470] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+F] was used for ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’, overriding to use ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’
[2021-05-20 11:06:45,562] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Pref path doesn’t exist: windowWorkspace, 1
[2021-05-20 11:06:45,818] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2021-05-20 11:06:45,835] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2021-05-20 11:06:46,279] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/12
[2021-05-20 11:06:46,711] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koFileStatusService’: ‘@activestate.com/koFileStatusService;1’
[2021-05-20 11:06:48,148] [INFO] codeintel/process: Starting CodeIntel
[2021-05-20 11:06:48,151] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: PYTHONPATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\python…\lib\python2.7;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\support\dbgp\pythonlib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\codeintel@activestate.com\content…\pylib\codeintel\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\codeintel@activestate.com\content…\pylib\codeintel\env\Lib\site-packages
[2021-05-20 11:06:48,413] [INFO] elastic_tabstops: Elastic tabstops loaded.
[2021-05-20 11:06:48,476] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Spell checker loaded.
[2021-05-20 11:06:48,476] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Using dictionary en-US
[2021-05-20 11:06:49,825] [INFO] Platform Auth: Using API URL: https://platform.activestate.com//api/v1
[2021-05-20 11:06:49,825] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require(“ko/logging”) instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2021-05-20 11:06:50,239] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koamAddonManager.js:138
[2021-05-20 11:06:50,424] [ERROR] koAppInfo: Failed to check version of executable C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python3.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 190, in _isValidExecutable
isvalid = self._isValidExecutableVersion(exe)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 162, in _isValidExecutableVersion
versionParts = invocationutils.split_short_ver(ver, intify=True)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\python\komodo\invocationutils.py”, line 94, in split_short_ver
raise ValueError("%r is not a valid short version string" % ver_str)
ValueError: ‘’ is not a valid short version string
[2021-05-20 11:06:50,596] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: n is undefined (2) in chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js:5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js”, line 5, in

[2021-05-20 11:06:50,691] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-20 11:06:51,819] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2021-05-20 11:06:51,950] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-20 11:06:52,134] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-20 11:06:52,470] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘KoMemoryReporter’: ‘@activestate.com/koMemoryReporter;1’
[2021-05-20 11:06:52,487] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koCommandmentService’: ‘@activestate.com/koCommandmentService;1’
[2021-05-20 11:06:52,516] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koDBGPManager’: ‘@activestate.com/koDBGPManager;1’
[2021-05-20 11:06:52,539] [ERROR] koAppInfo: Failed to check version of executable C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 190, in _isValidExecutable
isvalid = self._isValidExecutableVersion(exe)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 162, in _isValidExecutableVersion
versionParts = invocationutils.split_short_ver(ver, intify=True)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\python\komodo\invocationutils.py”, line 94, in split_short_ver
raise ValueError("%r is not a valid short version string" % ver_str)
ValueError: ‘’ is not a valid short version string
[2021-05-20 11:06:52,559] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-20 11:06:52,624] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2021-05-20 11:06:53,398] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2021-05-20 11:06:53,410] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2021-05-20 11:06:53,453] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Pref path doesn’t exist: windowWorkspace, 2
[2021-05-20 11:06:53,457] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2021-05-20 11:06:53,461] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2021-05-20 11:06:53,558] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/12
[2021-05-20 11:06:54,151] [ERROR] peMenu:
TypeError: this.manager is undefined

  • stack
    ( hope to show enough for first trouble shooting…)

Hope you can find out what went wrong.

thanks, Greetings, Quintijn

Today, Friday, running the debugger works again.

Still, starting the debugger is slow. Should something be re-installed, from the Komodo or from the python side? Running python38-32.

Are there other things in the log file I should be worried about?

Thanks for your help, Quintijn

[2021-05-21 10:56:23,206] [INFO] Startup: Welcome to Komodo IDE 12.0.1 build 91869 (platform win32-x86, running on Windows post2012Server version 6.3.9600)
[2021-05-21 10:56:23,207] [INFO] Startup: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\komodo.exe built on Mon Feb 10 18:14:23 2020
[2021-05-21 10:56:25,700] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm:381
[2021-05-21 10:56:26,086] [INFO] Platform Auth: Using API URL: https://platform.activestate.com//api/v1
[2021-05-21 10:56:26,088] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require(“ko/logging”) instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2021-05-21 10:56:26,423] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,250] [ERROR] console-logger: bad script XDR magic number (0) in :0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 0, in

[2021-05-21 10:56:27,371] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,690] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+F] was used for ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’, overriding to use ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,690] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+F] was used for ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’, overriding to use ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,690] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+F] was used for ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’, overriding to use ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,691] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+F] was used for ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’, overriding to use ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,691] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+F] was used for ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’, overriding to use ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,691] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+F] was used for ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’, overriding to use ‘cmd_startIncrementalSearch’
[2021-05-21 10:56:27,944] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:28,072] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:28,996] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koamAddonManager.js:138
[2021-05-21 10:56:32,688] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Pref path doesn’t exist: windowWorkspace, 2
[2021-05-21 10:56:32,690] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Can’t load ‘ui.tabs.sidepanes.state’ from ‘prefpath’: windowWorkspace,2
[2021-05-21 10:56:32,749] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2021-05-21 10:56:32,755] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2021-05-21 10:56:33,073] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/12
[2021-05-21 10:56:33,522] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koFileStatusService’: ‘@activestate.com/koFileStatusService;1’
[2021-05-21 10:56:34,615] [INFO] codeintel/process: Starting CodeIntel
[2021-05-21 10:56:34,619] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: PYTHONPATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\python…\lib\python2.7;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\support\dbgp\pythonlib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\codeintel@activestate.com\content…\pylib\codeintel\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\codeintel@activestate.com\content…\pylib\codeintel\env\Lib\site-packages
[2021-05-21 10:56:34,711] [INFO] elastic_tabstops: Elastic tabstops loaded.
[2021-05-21 10:56:34,776] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Spell checker loaded.
[2021-05-21 10:56:34,776] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Using dictionary en-US
[2021-05-21 10:56:36,309] [ERROR] koAppInfo: Failed to check version of executable C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python3.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 190, in _isValidExecutable
isvalid = self._isValidExecutableVersion(exe)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 162, in _isValidExecutableVersion
versionParts = invocationutils.split_short_ver(ver, intify=True)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\python\komodo\invocationutils.py”, line 94, in split_short_ver
raise ValueError("%r is not a valid short version string" % ver_str)
ValueError: ‘’ is not a valid short version string
[2021-05-21 10:56:36,654] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:36,733] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:36,818] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,045] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,157] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,232] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,334] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,404] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,507] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,684] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: n is undefined (2) in chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js:5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js”, line 5, in

[2021-05-21 10:56:37,690] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,775] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,775] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,775] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,816] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,819] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2021-05-21 10:56:37,819] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,332] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,463] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,466] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,466] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,477] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘KoMemoryReporter’: ‘@activestate.com/koMemoryReporter;1’
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,493] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koCommandmentService’: ‘@activestate.com/koCommandmentService;1’
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,528] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koDBGPManager’: ‘@activestate.com/koDBGPManager;1’
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,533] [ERROR] koAppInfo: Failed to check version of executable C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 190, in _isValidExecutable
isvalid = self._isValidExecutableVersion(exe)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\components\koAppInfo.py”, line 162, in _isValidExecutableVersion
versionParts = invocationutils.split_short_ver(ver, intify=True)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\python\komodo\invocationutils.py”, line 94, in split_short_ver
raise ValueError("%r is not a valid short version string" % ver_str)
ValueError: ‘’ is not a valid short version string
[2021-05-21 10:56:38,536] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:40,516] [WARNING] tool.js: Could not retrieve private key credentials
[2021-05-21 10:56:40,631] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/komodo.xul:0
[2021-05-21 10:56:41,683] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:41,806] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:41,950] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:42,061] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:42,549] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: https://community.komodoide.com/changelog/12 (404)
[2021-05-21 10:56:42,552] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/120
[2021-05-21 10:56:42,553] [ERROR] tool.js: Could not save private key, code: 1
Traceback from ERROR in ‘tool.js’ logger:
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
initialize/proc<.done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:84:13
_done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process/subprocess.js:1025:25
@chrome://komodo/content/library/controller.js line 111 > eval:1:1
@chrome://komodo/content/keybindings/keybindings.js line 2603 > eval:1:1

[2021-05-21 10:56:42,595] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:42,778] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:42,930] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:43,398] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: stdout:


[2021-05-21 10:56:43,398] [INFO] codeintel/process: CodeIntel started on port 50078
[2021-05-21 10:56:43,398] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: Calling callbacks for: started, number: 1
[2021-05-21 10:56:44,421] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: https://community.komodoide.com/changelog/120 (404)
[2021-05-21 10:56:44,538] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:49,111] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
[2021-05-21 10:56:49,394] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_opened event
[2021-05-21 10:56:51,104] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:51,338] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: tab is undefined (2) in viewbrowser:133
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “viewbrowser”, line 133, in

[2021-05-21 10:56:51,851] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:56:54,315] [ERROR] view.editor:
TypeError: ko.dbg.manager.currentSession.dbg is null

  • stack
    [2021-05-21 10:57:06,276] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
    [2021-05-21 10:57:06,319] [ERROR] console-logger: Error: Error setting property on NPObject! (2) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/scimoz_wrapper.js:726
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/scimoz_wrapper.js”, line 726, in

[2021-05-21 10:57:07,684] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:57:07,772] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: tab is undefined (2) in viewbrowser:133
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “viewbrowser”, line 133, in

[2021-05-21 10:57:08,262] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:57:45,289] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/debugger/debuggerPanel.xul:0
[2021-05-21 10:57:51,967] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2021-05-21 10:57:55,128] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/tail/tail.xul:0

Hi @quintijn,
This error stands out. There is a matching one for python.exe as well.

[2021-05-20 11:06:50,424] [ERROR] koAppInfo: Failed to check version of executable C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python3.exe

Looks like you don’t have a Python interpreter specified and Komodo is finding the Microsoft Python shim that they installed all Windows 10 computers to get people to use their Python install. It’s not actually a Python interpreter but a script that opens their app store or something so you can install Python.

Try configuring a Python interpreter for which ever version you’re working in: Edit menu (Komodo menu on OSX) > Preferences > Languages > Python[3]: Set the interpreter to use.

OK, that seems to work!! Thanks. So Komodo always needs a python (2) interpreter? Or is setting python3 enough?

@quintijn, it depends on what version you’re working in. Python 2 files need Python 2, and vice versa.

OK, thanks. I thought that possibly the Komodo system itself needs python (2). But no apparently.

@quintijn oh I see. No, Komodo ships with a separate, siloed Python installation. If you look through the Komodo install dir you can find it. Only Komodo knows about it. Other tools on your computer don’t/shouldn’t use it or know about it.

A post was split to a new topic: “Can’t save private Key” Komodo + State Tool