(XAMPP is not running!, i want to try it with extern webserver)
When i call the page at the linux server with some ?something
komodo starts listening, we can walk trough the script for some steps; then i get an error that my local debugging is not configured.
What i can try else: check and download again both xdebug-files to be shure to have them from activestate;
change the php-ini local?
interpreter: php-cgi.exe
drush, i dont know, empty
composter > php.exe
conf file php/php.ini (if nothing here, no change)
php dirs i use the tmp from above?
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = “E:/xampp/tmp”
xdebug.profiler_output_name = “cachegrind.out.%t-%s”
Read in net:
Komodo creates and uses a php.ini file that it stores in your profile folder for this.
Done, nothing happens, still not configured
Sorry, i am not used with this type of forum. There should be a second thread now with more infos.
Five minutes ago i could use the breakpoints; then i changed them and now the debug doesnt stop there anymore. Then i restart the apache, restart komodo and now it seems to run again.
What did you change? Why did you restart the server?
Remote file. Komodo matches paths to breakpoints. You can set Preferencese > Debugger > Initial break behavior: Break on first executable line or you can set up Preferences > Mapped URIs.
I don’t understand this question. In normal circumstance you don’t need to restart Komodo or Apache if you already have your system configured.
Somehow i have managed it. Most of times i can work with it. Sometimes i have to restart komodo.
But the biggest problem of all is:
Normally i press strg+f to write something to find in a field.
Sometimes this is not possible; then STRG+f opens a field, buit only as long i press strg+f; then i have to press alt+n.
This kills me; i need strg+f every two minutes.What can i do, what do i change?