Which of the plugins would you prefer to see?

I am considering writing a few plugins over the summer, I have come up a few ideas, and wanted to know from the community which you would most prefer to see:

  • Plugin for Java and Spring Framework with features for Aaven, Ant, Java, Groovy, Servelet Containers, etc.
  • Plugin for Play Framework with features including SBT, Scala and Java, etc.
  • Jetbrains You Track plugin for reviewing, creating, exporting, and editing tasks and issues
  • A Cloud Foundry plugin for connecting to CF platforms other than Stackato

Of these, which would you like to see. Also, if you have any other idea’s I wouldn’t mind input on those :slight_smile: .

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I want to see that for Komodo.

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@Defman that is one I will definitely make, as my team requires it :slight_smile: .

Nice to know it @James_Parsons! Good luck with that :wink:

We get requests for Java support every so often and it’s not something we intend to do ourselves; so I’m positive that a community contribution will be very well received :slight_smile: