When working with lot of open files, horizontal tabs layout is very unusable:
- Only ≈ ten tabs are visible on 24" display
- Not all open files are equal — there are some “main” files, that developer needs to switch freaquently and a lot of open files during seach/debugging etc.
** It takes a lot of time to find “main” files between a lot of open “not so important” files (but I still do not want to close it, because also need it, they hold my attention context)
How this situation can be improved.
=== Hotkeys for rearranging tabs ===
- then “main” files can be fastely moved to left, when new files (probably “not main” openeded at right side of tabbar)
- I did not find such hotkeys (For example, Firefox hotkeys → CTLR-SHIFT-PgUp/PgDown), if them exists — please, tell me about it.
- reagganging by mouse drag-and-drop is not a option because it is painfully long (take a tab, move to left, wait before tab starts slow-slow-slow horizontal scrolling… this makes me mad)
=== Pinned Tabs ===
- Add Context Menu “Pin the tab” which makes tab “pinned” to left (“most conservative”) part of tab bar.
- This solution implemented by extension https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/ to Firefox, and saves a lot of my life in everydays browsing, because solves same problem — separates “frequently used” pages from a hungreds of other tabs
=== Vertical Tab Placement ===
(Also implemented in https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/)
- Modern displays (for desktops/laptops) now wide, so it is very usable to use vertical tab placement
- on vertical tabbar possible to display about 3-4 times more tabs, then on horizontal tabbar
=== Resume ===
Easy solution: Add hotkeys for tabs rearrangement.
Good solution: Pinned tabs + hotkeys
Ideal solution (I will be yours forever): Hotkeys+Pinned Tabs+Vertical Tabs Placement