Update with indentation issues

Yes, I think.

Nope, it’s not the app. Not sure what path/to/komodo you’re referring to.

Also, as far as I know, a bug should’ve already been filed with my email on it. As mentioned, KE9 crashed and it auto prompted a bug report, which I filled out and submitted. I can submit another duplicate issue, but it would be nice to get followup on this issue.

Wait… they are not under Advanced settings… @nathanr?

You’re using an experimental skin …

Yeah I know :stuck_out_tongue:

Please check your global and project level prefs to ensure they aren’t setting 2,2 indentation.

Also note that Komodo respects .editorconfig as of version 9.2, so if you have .editorconfig anywhere in the path structure of the currently opened file it will respect the config set in there.

I’ve changed to use “Classic” skin. Is there a different one I should use that you suggest?
Where exactly do I check the globacl and project level prefs? The only place I know to check indentation is Preferences > Editor > Indentation. I’ve looked everywhere in here and they are all set to 4,4.
I cannot find any .editorconfig files in the path.

It wasn’t for you, it’s related to

That’s the correct place to look. Do brand new files also have the “wrong” indentation?

New files have the correct indentation.

Ok, it sounds like you didnt delete your doc-state.xmlc properly. Please ensure you have completely shut down Komodo and you are deleting it from the right profile folder (you will have multiple, use the one whose version number matches that of your Komodo install, likely 9.2).

I have confirmed that I shut KE9 down, deleted the doc-state.xmlc file from the 9.2 folder, and started KE9 back up - and the problem still exists. The indentation is 2,2 instead of 4,4.

Can you send us a file where you can reproduce this issue?

Any of my php files within my project. This interface only allows me to upload image files.

Upload it on Dropbox or something like that, we need to get the absolute copy of your file in case if this file contains some specific settings for indentation.

Let me know if this work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zyitjrgfpp9kebi/Di.service.php?dl=0

4 spaces for me using these settings:

Current File Settings:

Please try to run Komodo with clean profile.

export KOMODO_USERDATADIR=/tmp/komodo
open "/Applications/Komodo-Edit-9.app"

I tried that, and it did open a clean new profile, and it did have the incorrect indentation. 2,2.

So now I’m absolutely confused by the issue. I don’t even know what can cause that with the clean profile.