Hi everyone, I’m using Komodo edit 10,2,0 build 17657 on Mac OS 10.12.5
I am working on large documents (dictionary text files) and I really like to use Komodo, but there is no scroll bar on my Mac. This make it really hard to browse these large documents.
I have tried all the 3 different scroll bar options in the Mac OS system settings but I cannot get the scroll bars to show.
Hi and thanks for helping. I installed the version 10.2.2 and I switched to the default colour scheme but I still lack a scroll bar both vertically and horizontally, but with the default colour scheme I noticed there is a space for the horizontal scroll bar which I didn’t see with my other color scheme,
@hommealone, I thought we just had to mark one of the answers a “the solution” and the forum would work some magic but i’ve changed the title to append [Solved] to it and moved it to Support Resolved section of the forum. Thanks for the head up.