The “Troubleshooting” button activates a menu whose ten links largely duplicate those of the Help > Troubleshooting menu accessed from the three-line menu at the top. The two sets of links should have been combined into one and centralized in the main menu. In addition, the button wastes screen space.
The same criticisms can be leveled at the “Report a Bug” button, but even more so: That button is redundant because it duplicates the functionality of the Help > Troubleshooting > “Report a Bug” menu item, and it too wastes space as it is merely a link to the GitHub web page for Komodo IDE and Komodo Edit issues. The prominent visibility of that button has (according to the ActiveState team) increased the number of bug reports submitted by users, but that same benefit could be achieved by telling every new user about the “Report a Bug” menu item. The reminder could be included in the initial screens seen by users when they first begin running Komodo IDE. As an alternative or as a complement, the information could be presented as a usage tip (one of many), since so many computer users are accustomed to countless programs popping up a brief but informative tip each time they launch a given program.