When trying to remote debug a ruby daemon… it appears that the code will stop at the:
Debugger.current_context.stop_next = 1;
rescue Exception;
and it also shows in the “Listen Status” that the remote server has connected with the Komodo client. The problem is that in the Komodo IDE where you would normally step through the code…focus is not set to the next line such that you can step through the code.
I’m using the latest version 8.x of Komodo on a mac. I’m trying to debug code on a Ubuntu box that is communicating back to my mac on port 9000.
Any ideas on how to make this work???
Could you explain your full debugging workflow? Did you set any breakpoints?
Could you explain your full debugging workflow?
My dev environment is on a mac.
I have my Komodo IDE open and I’m listening on port 9000
I go to a terminal session and start my daemon.
I go to rabbitmq in firefox and post a message.
my code catches the message and executes my worker.
in my worker method i have set breakpoints.
it appears in the terminal session that I get to the komodo break point as specified by:
ENV[‘RUBYDB_OPTS’] = ‘remoteport=’
require ‘rdbgp’
it appears to stop and break too… BUT… focus is not set to my Komodo IDE in my code…such that i can step through the code.
That’s it
Did you set any breakpoints?