OSX install.sh fails on tputs and uname failures

Same issue here. I’m using Catalina 10.15.2
Full log:

[2020-01-18 17:03:52,315] [INFO] Startup: /Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/MacOS/komodo built on Tue Jan 14 11:05:01 2020
[2020-01-18 17:03:52,471] [WARNING] koInitService: Unable to determine the current locale settings, defaulting to mac-roman
[2020-01-18 17:03:52,881] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm:381
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,027] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,196] [INFO] Platform Auth: Using API URL: https://platform.activestate.com//api/v1
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,197] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require("ko/logging") instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2020-01-18 17:03:53,304] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,610] [ERROR] console-logger: bad script XDR magic number (0) in :0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 0, in 

[2020-01-18 17:03:53,677] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,739] [WARNING] keybindings: [Alt+Right] was used for 'cmd_endOfWord', overriding to use 'cmd_wordRight'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,739] [WARNING] keybindings: [Meta+<] was used for 'cmd_scope-openfiles', overriding to use 'cmd_editCenterVertically'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,740] [WARNING] keybindings: [Alt+Shift+Left] was used for 'cmd_selectWordLeft', overriding to use 'cmd_selectWordLeft'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,740] [WARNING] keybindings: [Alt+Shift+Right] was used for 'cmd_endOfWordExtend', overriding to use 'cmd_selectWordRight'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,740] [WARNING] keybindings: [Alt+Shift+Right] was used for 'cmd_selectWordRight', overriding to use 'cmd_wordPartRightExtend'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,740] [WARNING] keybindings: [Alt+Shift+Left] was used for 'cmd_selectWordLeft', overriding to use 'cmd_wordPartLeftExtend'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,741] [WARNING] keybindings: [Alt+Backspace] was used for 'cmd_deleteWordLeft', overriding to use 'cmd_deleteWordLeft'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,741] [WARNING] keybindings: [Meta+[] was used for 'cmd_historyBack', overriding to use 'cmd_dedent'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,741] [WARNING] keybindings: [Meta+]] was used for 'cmd_historyForward', overriding to use 'cmd_indent'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,741] [WARNING] keybindings: [Meta+J] was used for 'cmd_triggerPrecedingCompletion', overriding to use 'cmd_join'
[2020-01-18 17:03:53,742] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+Shift+C] was used for 'cmd_viewSymbolBrowser', overriding to use 'cmd_morekomodo_copyFullPath'
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,216] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Pref path doesn't exist: windowWorkspace, 1
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,250] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,364] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/12
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,622] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koFileStatusService': '@activestate.com/koFileStatusService;1'
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,830] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Spell checker loaded.
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,830] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Using dictionary en-US
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,862] [INFO] elastic_tabstops: Elastic tabstops loaded.
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,960] [INFO] codeintel/process: Starting CodeIntel
[2020-01-18 17:03:54,962] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: PYTHONPATH: /Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/MacOS/../lib/python2.7;/Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/SharedSupport/dbgp/pythonlib;/Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/codeintel@activestate.com/content/../pylib/codeintel/lib;/Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/codeintel@activestate.com/content/../pylib/codeintel/env/Lib/site-packages
[2020-01-18 17:03:55,563] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:55,687] [ERROR] console-logger: Exception while registering Focus Mode (0) in resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js:11
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js", line 11, in 

[2020-01-18 17:03:55,688] [ERROR] console-logger: [object Object] (0) in resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js:12
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js", line 12, in 

[2020-01-18 17:03:55,728] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:55,752] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:55,779] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:55,914] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:55,942] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:55,994] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,029] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,050] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,087] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,155] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,179] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,179] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,179] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,181] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,182] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,182] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,614] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,783] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,783] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,783] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,825] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:56,903] [WARNING] tool.js: Could not retrieve api key credentials
[2020-01-18 17:03:57,238] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:57,436] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:57,466] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:57,494] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:57,982] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,047] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'KoMemoryReporter': '@activestate.com/koMemoryReporter;1'
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,058] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koCommandmentService': '@activestate.com/koCommandmentService;1'
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,062] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koDBGPManager': '@activestate.com/koDBGPManager;1'
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,080] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,128] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,254] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: n is undefined (2) in chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js:5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js", line 5, in 

[2020-01-18 17:03:58,475] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: http://docs.komodoide.com/__omnigollum__/auth/github?origin=%2Fcreate%2Fchangelog%2F12 (404)
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,475] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/120
[2020-01-18 17:03:58,636] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: /private/var/folders/0c/98x9r4cs2p95pdwyc_8v64080000gn/T/TemporaryItems/c17cbebe-8a71-414a-a3f2-f84337f5080einstall.sh: line 70: uname: command not found
/private/var/folders/0c/98x9r4cs2p95pdwyc_8v64080000gn/T/TemporaryItems/c17cbebe-8a71-414a-a3f2-f84337f5080einstall.sh: line 91: uname: command not found
/private/var/folders/0c/98x9r4cs2p95pdwyc_8v64080000gn/T/TemporaryItems/c17cbebe-8a71-414a-a3f2-f84337f5080einstall.sh: line 51: tput: command not found
/private/var/folders/0c/98x9r4cs2p95pdwyc_8v64080000gn/T/TemporaryItems/c17cbebe-8a71-414a-a3f2-f84337f5080einstall.sh: line 51: tput: command not found

[2020-01-18 17:03:58,741] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koamAddonManager.js:138
[2020-01-18 17:03:59,453] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: http://docs.komodoide.com/__omnigollum__/auth/github?origin=%2Fcreate%2Fchangelog%2F120 (404)
[2020-01-18 17:04:00,392] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: stdout: 


[2020-01-18 17:04:00,393] [INFO] codeintel/process: CodeIntel started on port 54239
[2020-01-18 17:04:00,393] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: Calling callbacks for: started, number: 1
[2020-01-18 17:04:16,231] [ERROR] ko-shell: Error during process execution
Error: Component returned failure code: 0x80520006 (NS_ERROR_FILE_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST) [nsILocalFile.isExecutable]
+ stack
    handleError@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:103:17
    initialize/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:92:19
    delay/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/lang/functional/concurrent.js:38:20
    notify@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js:40:9
[2020-01-18 17:04:16,235] [ERROR] Platform Login: Could not save private key, error: 
Traceback from ERROR in 'Platform Login' logger:
    emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
    handleError@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:108:7
    initialize/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:92:19
    delay/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/lang/functional/concurrent.js:38:20
    notify@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js:40:9

[2020-01-18 17:04:20,653] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event

and the workaround doesn’t work for me.
Thank you

Thanks careyh. Installing manually with curl didn’t get rid of the error for me.
Full log below. Thanks.

[2020-01-19 08:09:49,572] [INFO] Startup: /Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/MacOS/komodo built on Tue Jan 14 11:05:01 2020
[2020-01-19 08:09:50,662] [WARNING] koInitService: Unable to determine the current locale settings, defaulting to mac-roman
[2020-01-19 08:09:54,679] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm:381
[2020-01-19 08:09:55,511] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:09:55,607] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:09:57,064] [INFO] Platform Auth: Using API URL: https://platform.activestate.com//api/v1
[2020-01-19 08:09:57,077] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require("ko/logging") instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2020-01-19 08:10:00,698] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:01,255] [WARNING] keybindings: [Shift+Down] was used for 'cmd_selectLineNext', overriding to use 'cmd_selectLineNext'
[2020-01-19 08:10:02,551] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Pref path doesn't exist: windowWorkspace, 1
[2020-01-19 08:10:02,551] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Can't load 'ui.tabs.sidepanes.state' from 'prefpath': windowWorkspace,1
[2020-01-19 08:10:02,665] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2020-01-19 08:10:02,706] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2020-01-19 08:10:03,719] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/12
[2020-01-19 08:10:04,403] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koFileStatusService': '@activestate.com/koFileStatusService;1'
[2020-01-19 08:10:05,489] [INFO] codeintel/process: Starting CodeIntel
[2020-01-19 08:10:05,492] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: PYTHONPATH: /Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/MacOS/../lib/python2.7;/Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/SharedSupport/dbgp/pythonlib;/Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/codeintel@activestate.com/content/../pylib/codeintel/lib;/Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/codeintel@activestate.com/content/../pylib/codeintel/env/Lib/site-packages
[2020-01-19 08:10:05,837] [INFO] elastic_tabstops: Elastic tabstops loaded.
[2020-01-19 08:10:06,066] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Spell checker loaded.
[2020-01-19 08:10:06,066] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Using dictionary en-US
[2020-01-19 08:10:07,839] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koamAddonManager.js:138
[2020-01-19 08:10:10,215] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:10,309] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: n is undefined (2) in chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js:5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js", line 5, in 

[2020-01-19 08:10:10,450] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'KoMemoryReporter': '@activestate.com/koMemoryReporter;1'
[2020-01-19 08:10:10,508] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koCommandmentService': '@activestate.com/koCommandmentService;1'
[2020-01-19 08:10:10,525] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koDBGPManager': '@activestate.com/koDBGPManager;1'
[2020-01-19 08:10:10,870] [ERROR] console-logger: Exception while registering Focus Mode (0) in resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js:11
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js", line 11, in 

[2020-01-19 08:10:10,873] [ERROR] console-logger: [object Object] (0) in resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js:12
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/focusmode@activestate.com/bootstrap.js", line 12, in 

[2020-01-19 08:10:10,931] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:10,983] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:11,036] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:11,078] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:11,204] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:11,545] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:11,589] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:11,630] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:11,720] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:12,874] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:12,930] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-19 08:10:12,931] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-19 08:10:12,932] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-19 08:10:13,054] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-19 08:10:13,055] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-19 08:10:13,055] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///Applications/Komodo%20IDE%2012.app/Contents/Resources/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-01-19 08:10:14,072] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:14,225] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:16,365] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-01-19 08:10:16,430] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-01-19 08:10:16,431] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-01-19 08:10:17,306] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: stdout: 


[2020-01-19 08:10:17,307] [INFO] codeintel/process: CodeIntel started on port 54447
[2020-01-19 08:10:17,307] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: Calling callbacks for: started, number: 1
[2020-01-19 08:10:18,003] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: http://docs.komodoide.com/__omnigollum__/auth/github?origin=%2Fcreate%2Fchangelog%2F12 (404)
[2020-01-19 08:10:18,004] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/120
[2020-01-19 08:10:18,007] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-01-19 08:10:18,271] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

[2020-01-19 08:10:18,275] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: tput: 
[2020-01-19 08:10:18,276] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[2020-01-19 08:10:18,276] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: 

[2020-01-19 08:10:18,325] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

[2020-01-19 08:10:18,329] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

[2020-01-19 08:10:18,349] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

[2020-01-19 08:10:18,354] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

[2020-01-19 08:10:18,740] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: http://docs.komodoide.com/__omnigollum__/auth/github?origin=%2Fcreate%2Fchangelog%2F120 (404)
[2020-01-19 08:10:50,153] [ERROR] ko-shell: Error during process execution
Error: Component returned failure code: 0x80520006 (NS_ERROR_FILE_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST) [nsILocalFile.isExecutable]
+ stack
    handleError@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:103:17
    initialize/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:92:19
    delay/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/lang/functional/concurrent.js:38:20
    notify@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js:40:9
[2020-01-19 08:10:50,158] [ERROR] Platform Login: Could not save private key, error: 
Traceback from ERROR in 'Platform Login' logger:
    emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
    handleError@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:108:7
    initialize/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:92:19
    delay/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/lang/functional/concurrent.js:38:20
    notify@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js:40:9

[2020-01-19 08:10:56,846] [ERROR] ko-shell: Error during process execution
Error: Component returned failure code: 0x80520006 (NS_ERROR_FILE_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST) [nsILocalFile.isExecutable]
+ stack
    handleError@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:103:17
    initialize/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:92:19
    delay/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/lang/functional/concurrent.js:38:20
    notify@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js:40:9
[2020-01-19 08:10:56,848] [ERROR] Platform Login: Could not save private key, error: 
Traceback from ERROR in 'Platform Login' logger:
    emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
    handleError@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:108:7
    initialize/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:92:19
    delay/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/lang/functional/concurrent.js:38:20
    notify@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js:40:9

@Brianjw and @jan.st,

Could you both supply the output of running the installer manually?

It’s pretty clear from your logs that install is failing therefore Komodo is not detecting your install if the manually install worked. We should figure out why the install isn’t working.

sh <(curl -q https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/install.sh)

  • Carey

@careyh, I run the manual installation again and it seems that it was installed OK first time. Here is output:

Jans-MacBook:~ stefi$ sh <(curl -q https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/install.sh)
 % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 10433  100 10433    0     0  19647      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 19610
Installing the State Tool ..
==> Preparing for installation...
Previous installation detected at /usr/local/bin
To update the state tool to the latest version, please run 'state update'.
To install in a different location, please specify the installation directory with '-t TARGET_DIR'.
Jans-MacBook:~ stefi$ state update
You are using the latest version available


Thanks for reporting back. I agree it looks like it installed. So if you start Komodo now, it still fails to login? If yes, do you still see the lines like this in your Komodo logs?:
Stderr while running state tool installer: ...

There are some odd errors in your Komodo logs regarding the install process. eg. uname fails which tells me the PATH Komodo is launching with is borked. I don’t know why that would be the case.

Could you try launching Komodo from the terminal where you showed Komodo could be detected? You can launch it using the following:
/Applications/Komodo IDE 12.app/Contents/MacOS/komodo

See if that works. If not, we have a nightly ready that should get you working:

  • Carey

@Brianjw and @jan.st,

What’s the word? Are things now working for you?

  • Carey

@careyh yes, the error still shows up:

Jans-MacBook:~ stefi$ cat ~/Library/Application\ Support/KomodoIDE/12.0/pystderr.log | grep "Stderr while running state"
[2020-01-21 08:38:57,110] [WARNING] tool.js: Stderr while running state tool installer: /private/var/folders/0c/98x9r4cs2p95pdwyc_8v64080000gn/T/TemporaryItems/950cdf10-9d5b-f946-91ba-074daf7e45feinstall.sh: line 70: uname: command not found

Also I have tried to run Komodo from terminal and it’s the same error.

Jans-MacBook:~ stefi$ /Applications/Komodo\ IDE\ 12.app/Contents/MacOS/komodo 
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
2020-01-21 08:43:59.533 komodo[60213:1705997] *** WARNING: Textured window <ToolbarWindow: 0x7fe742c41320> is getting an implicitly transparent titlebar. This will break when linking against newer SDKs. Use NSWindow's -titlebarAppearsTransparent=YES instead.
2020-01-21 08:43:59.551 komodo[60213:1705997] NSWindow warning: adding an unknown subview: <NSView: 0x7fe7429ca6b0>. Break on NSLog to debug.
2020-01-21 08:43:59.554 komodo[60213:1705997] Call stack:
	0   AppKit                              0x00007fff36eab88f -[NSThemeFrame addSubview:] + 112
	1   AppKit                              0x00007fff36eab598 -[NSView addSubview:positioned:relativeTo:] + 203
	2   AppKit                              0x00007fff36eab456 -[NSThemeFrame addSubview:positioned:relativeTo:] + 46
	3   XUL                                 0x0000000115d2735a -[BaseWindow setContentView:] + 106
	4   AppKit                              0x00007fff36e94947 -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 42
	5   XUL                                 0x0000000115d2618b -[BaseWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 107

@jan.st this is starting to sound familiar. Can you start Komodo 11 and see if you have over written your PATH variable in your Komodo menu > Preferences > Environment

The reason you’re hitting this issue is because Komodo is looking for the State Tool on your system PATH at start up, and if it doesn’t find it, it installs.

You successfully installed it in a terminal which SHOULD have updated your system PATH but it’s not getting to Komodo when it starts for some reason? Are you able to open any new terminal window and run state update successfully again?

  • Carey

Looks at the logs and the errors coming from the install script, it really looks like Komodo is starting with a broken environment. There is no reason that uname and tput should be broken in the Komodo environment and not in your terminal.

Anyone coming across this issue please check if you might have over written your PATH in the Komodo Prefs. You can check in Komodo 11 and Komodo 12 imports the prefs from the most resent previous version it finds. If it’s set, unset it, delete your Komodo profile for 12 and restart.

OSX Komodo profile location: ~/Library/Application Support/KomodoIDE/12.0

  • Carey