New Komodo IDE 12 computer; code intel not working

Just installed Komodo IDE 12 on a new Windows 10 PC; was running v10 on another PC.

Komodo offered to scan all the files after I opened the project file, and it took a minute or two. But code intel appears to be completely inoperable. It can’t find the definition of any class or class method, it doesn’t complain about improper Python indenting, code completion does indeed suggest the name of an imported module as I type it, but nothing after the .

I’m not using any add-ons, or anything special.

I tried to reset the Code Intel database via the Help menu, but it didn’t improve things.

The log file contains a number of general Komodo warnings and errors; perhaps this excerpt is useful?

[2020-01-29 13:07:28,313] [ERROR] console-logger: bad script XDR magic number (0) in :0

[2020-01-29 13:07:35,727] [INFO] codeintel/process: CodeIntel started on port 62339
[2020-01-29 13:07:35,727] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: Calling callbacks for: started, number: 1
[2020-01-29 13:07:35,917] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429

[2020-01-29 13:20:19,500] [ERROR] codeintel/service/mediator/codeintel: Request failed with message: Failed calling API method: getCompletions, message: (-32603)
[2020-01-29 13:20:24,132] [ERROR] console-logger: uncaught exception: [object Object] (0) in :0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 0, in

Hey @Devel63,

What version of Python and could you provide some sample code that reproduces the issue for you?

I’m not seeing it with a basic test shown below

import sys
sys.|#I get completions here
  • Carey

It’s Python 2.7.17, installed at C:\Python27. Komodo IDE did find it in the PATH.

I just created a test file that was pretty much like yours: no code completion appears.

I doubt it’s something wrong with Komodo … I just need some help in figuring out how to diagnose it/fix the situation.

Hey @Devel63, Make sure that code intel isn’t still scanning. The Notifications Pane would show that it’s still scanning or the command notifications at the top of Komodo.

Could you also confirm which Komodo build number you’re on? Help > About Komodo

Might be worth trying a completely fresh profile by stopping Komodo and renaming *%LOCALAPPDATA%\ActiveState* then starting Komodo. Open a Python file and wait for Code Intel to finish scanning.

  • Carey

Yes, Code Intel did finish the scan.

Komodo IDE, version 12.0.0, build 91824, platform win32-x86.
Built on Tue Jan 14 10:21:05 2020.

I renamed the App Folder, and went through the initialization sequence again. I tried just to create a Python file like yours, and the Notices window said “no ‘.’ abbreviation found”. I opened my project, waited for code intel to complete its scan, but the results were as before.

During the initialization sequence the only non-default things I did were to choose the Classic color scheme, and to Cancel the creation of a virtual environment.

Hi @Devel63,

This isn’t related so can be ignored.

Just so we’re absolutely certain, can you please share a code sample like I did, indicating where your issue is arising? When you reproduce it, please grab your logs and share the entire log file, Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File

  • Carey

Just to be safe, I created a new Python project (although obviously what I want is for my existing project to work). I can’t figure out how to attach files here, so I’ve embedded them.


import sys



[2020-02-06 09:00:07,637] [INFO] Startup: Welcome to Komodo IDE 12.0.0 build 91824 (platform win32-x86, running on Windows post2012Server version 6.3.9600)
[2020-02-06 09:00:07,637] [INFO] Startup: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\komodo.exe built on Tue Jan 14 10:21:05 2020
[2020-02-06 09:00:08,220] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm:381
[2020-02-06 09:00:08,278] [INFO] Platform Auth: Using API URL:
[2020-02-06 09:00:08,278] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require(“ko/logging”) instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2020-02-06 09:00:08,371] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:08,642] [ERROR] console-logger: bad script XDR magic number (0) in :0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 0, in

[2020-02-06 09:00:08,710] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:08,832] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+0] was used for ‘cmd_goToQuickBookmark_0’, overriding to use ‘cmd_fontZoomReset’
[2020-02-06 09:00:08,959] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:09,023] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:09,335] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koamAddonManager.js:138
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,157] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Pref path doesn’t exist: windowWorkspace, 1
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,157] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Can’t load ‘ui.tabs.sidepanes.state’ from ‘prefpath’: windowWorkspace,1
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,190] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,194] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,250] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,515] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koFileStatusService’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,799] [INFO] codeintel/process: Starting CodeIntel
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,802] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: PYTHONPATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\python..\lib\python2.7;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\support\dbgp\pythonlib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\\content..\pylib\codeintel\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\\content..\pylib\codeintel\env\Lib\site-packages
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,849] [INFO] elastic_tabstops: Elastic tabstops loaded.
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,878] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Spell checker loaded.
[2020-02-06 09:00:14,878] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Using dictionary en-US
[2020-02-06 09:00:15,874] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:15,984] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,042] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,121] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,184] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,267] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,328] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,371] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,424] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,532] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,584] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,584] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,584] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,586] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,588] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,588] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 09:00:16,872] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:17,019] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:17,104] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-02-06 09:00:17,105] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-02-06 09:00:17,105] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-02-06 09:00:17,789] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘KoMemoryReporter’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 09:00:17,795] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koCommandmentService’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 09:00:17,802] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koDBGPManager’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 09:00:18,256] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:18,319] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:18,378] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:18,447] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:18,894] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:19,032] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:19,145] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:20,719] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: stdout:


[2020-02-06 09:00:20,720] [INFO] codeintel/process: CodeIntel started on port 51430
[2020-02-06 09:00:20,720] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: Calling callbacks for: started, number: 1
[2020-02-06 09:00:20,960] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:24,782] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/komodo.xul:0
[2020-02-06 09:00:25,355] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: (0)
[2020-02-06 09:00:25,357] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on
[2020-02-06 09:00:25,369] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: (0)
[2020-02-06 09:00:25,394] [ERROR] commando-scope-packages: Unable to retrieve package listing for macros
Traceback from ERROR in ‘commando-scope-packages’ logger:

[2020-02-06 09:00:25,397] [ERROR] commando-scope-packages: Unable to retrieve package listing for schemes
Traceback from ERROR in ‘commando-scope-packages’ logger:

[2020-02-06 09:00:25,397] [ERROR] commando-scope-packages: Unable to retrieve package listing for skins
Traceback from ERROR in ‘commando-scope-packages’ logger:

[2020-02-06 09:00:25,398] [ERROR] commando-scope-packages: Unable to retrieve package listing for languages
Traceback from ERROR in ‘commando-scope-packages’ logger:

[2020-02-06 09:00:25,398] [ERROR] commando-scope-packages: Unable to retrieve package listing for addons
Traceback from ERROR in ‘commando-scope-packages’ logger:

[2020-02-06 09:00:25,398] [ERROR] commando-scope-packages: Unable to retrieve package listing for toolbox
Traceback from ERROR in ‘commando-scope-packages’ logger:

[2020-02-06 09:00:25,400] [ERROR] commando-scope-packages: Unable to retrieve package listing for keybinds
Traceback from ERROR in ‘commando-scope-packages’ logger:

[2020-02-06 09:00:46,298] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in chrome://global/skin/global.css:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:46,342] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:00:46,400] [WARNING] console-logger: Expected end of value but found ‘auto’. Error in parsing value for ‘padding’. Declaration dropped. (1) in less://projectwizard/content/dialog/projectWizard.less:12
[2020-02-06 09:00:46,526] [WARNING] ko/ui/radiogroup: Radio items must be in an array. Failed to add menu items to menu.
[2020-02-06 09:01:03,322] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:01:03,368] [WARNING] console-logger: Expected end of value but found ‘auto’. Error in parsing value for ‘padding’. Declaration dropped. (1) in less://projectwizard/content/dialog/projectWizard.less:12
[2020-02-06 09:01:03,454] [WARNING] ko/ui/radiogroup: Radio items must be in an array. Failed to add menu items to menu.
[2020-02-06 09:01:18,845] [ERROR] tool.js: Process exited with code ‘1’. Error: Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
Incorrect function.
Traceback from ERROR in ‘tool.js’ logger:
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
initialize/proc<.done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:84:13
_done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process/subprocess.js:1025:25

[2020-02-06 09:01:26,845] [ERROR] tool.js: Process exited with code ‘1’. Error: Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
Incorrect function.
Traceback from ERROR in ‘tool.js’ logger:
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
initialize/proc<.done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:84:13
_done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process/subprocess.js:1025:25

[2020-02-06 09:01:29,717] [ERROR] tool.js: Process exited with code ‘1’. Error: Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
You are not authenticated, authenticate with state auth. For more information run state auth --help.
Traceback from ERROR in ‘tool.js’ logger:
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
initialize/proc<.done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:84:13
_done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process/subprocess.js:1025:25

[2020-02-06 09:01:31,460] [ERROR] tool.js: Process exited with code ‘1’. Error: Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
Rollbar error: empty token
You are not authenticated, authenticate with state auth. For more information run state auth --help.
Traceback from ERROR in ‘tool.js’ logger:
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9
initialize/proc<.done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process.js:84:13
_done@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js → resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/system/child_process/subprocess.js:1025:25

[2020-02-06 09:03:01,868] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
[2020-02-06 09:03:01,933] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_opened event
[2020-02-06 09:03:02,726] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: n is undefined (2) in chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js:5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js”, line 5, in

[2020-02-06 09:03:07,726] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: n is undefined (2) in chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js:5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chrome://komodo/content/contrib/commonjs/underscore.js”, line 5, in

[2020-02-06 09:03:55,003] [WARNING] koDocument: setting koDocument.codePage is DEPRECATED, hardwired to 65001 (unicode mode): 65001 ignored
[2020-02-06 09:04:24,036] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:05:07,142] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/tail/tail.xul:0
[2020-02-06 09:11:03,832] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 09:11:11,053] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/tail/tail.xul:0

@Devel63, do you have some funky network setup perhaps? There is a lot going wrong in your logs and it all seems to be around network connections. This would apply to code intel because it communicates back to Komodo over TCP, eg. localhost:port. In that log output you can see that code intel is listening at post 51430:

[2020-02-06 09:00:20,719] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: stdout:


Could you perhaps try disabling your firewall briefly and trying Komodo again?

  • Carey

I think my network setup is vanilla, out of the box, using a home Verizon FIOS router at the moment.

I disabled Windows firewall, and the simple example worked. I re-enabled it, and the simple example continued to work.

I opened my real project, and code completions still don’t work (although at least now it seems to recognize imported module names). I tried to regenerate the code intel DB, but it basically didn’t even run.

I then disabled the Windows firewall again, restarted Komodo, and it was able to say it was regenerating the code intel DB. But when it completed, I still don’t get code completions.

Here’s the latest log:

[2020-02-06 21:31:35,421] [INFO] Startup: Welcome to Komodo IDE 12.0.0 build 91824 (platform win32-x86, running on Windows post2012Server version 6.3.9600)
[2020-02-06 21:31:35,421] [INFO] Startup: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\komodo.exe built on Tue Jan 14 10:21:05 2020
[2020-02-06 21:31:35,938] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm:381
[2020-02-06 21:31:35,983] [INFO] Platform Auth: Using API URL:
[2020-02-06 21:31:35,983] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require(“ko/logging”) instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2020-02-06 21:31:36,063] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:36,316] [ERROR] console-logger: bad script XDR magic number (0) in :0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 0, in

[2020-02-06 21:31:36,375] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:36,497] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+0] was used for ‘cmd_goToQuickBookmark_0’, overriding to use ‘cmd_fontZoomReset’
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,302] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Pref path doesn’t exist: windowWorkspace, 1
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,332] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,342] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,391] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,599] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koFileStatusService’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,825] [INFO] codeintel/process: Starting CodeIntel
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,826] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: PYTHONPATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\python..\lib\python2.7;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\support\dbgp\pythonlib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\\content..\pylib\codeintel\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 12\lib\mozilla\extensions\\content..\pylib\codeintel\env\Lib\site-packages
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,868] [INFO] elastic_tabstops: Elastic tabstops loaded.
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,891] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Spell checker loaded.
[2020-02-06 21:31:37,891] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Using dictionary en-US
[2020-02-06 21:31:38,825] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:38,930] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:38,979] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,052] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,101] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,174] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,354] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,421] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,466] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,523] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,673] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,717] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,717] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,717] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,720] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,720] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,720] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2020-02-06 21:31:39,907] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:40,107] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:40,529] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-02-06 21:31:40,529] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-02-06 21:31:40,530] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2020-02-06 21:31:40,980] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘KoMemoryReporter’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 21:31:40,984] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koCommandmentService’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 21:31:40,992] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for ‘koDBGPManager’: ‘;1’
[2020-02-06 21:31:41,144] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:41,190] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:41,243] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:41,357] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:41,687] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:41,818] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:41,928] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:42,441] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ActiveState%20Komodo%20IDE%2012/lib/mozilla/components/koamAddonManager.js:138
[2020-02-06 21:31:42,444] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: (404)
[2020-02-06 21:31:42,444] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on
[2020-02-06 21:31:42,825] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: (404)
[2020-02-06 21:31:43,617] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: stdout:


[2020-02-06 21:31:43,618] [INFO] codeintel/process: CodeIntel started on port 64240
[2020-02-06 21:31:43,618] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: Calling callbacks for: started, number: 1
[2020-02-06 21:31:43,822] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:31:49,273] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:33:25,740] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/komodo.xul:0
[2020-02-06 21:33:48,392] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor ‘font-display’ in @font-face rule. Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-02-06 21:33:55,805] [WARNING] console-logger: Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“control,shift” (1) in chrome://komodo/content/tail/tail.xul:0

I guess I now have 2 problems: how to get Komodo to co-exist with the vanilla Windows firewall, and how to get code intel working with my existing Komodo project.

But you said it works with or without the firewall in a test file. Sounds like it’s your project.

Have a look at your project and global preferences, specifically Languages > Python > Additional Python Import…, and Environment. See if there is anything set there that might be confusing code intel.

Something I hadn’t thought of is confirming what file type Komodo has interpreted your files as in your project. At the right hand side of an open file it should say what type of file it is. Can you confirm that it’s Python and not something else, like Python3?

  • Carey