New Helper / Viewhelper for Auto completion in HTML

Hi there!

I need my own created HTML viewhelpers / helpers in my HTML autocompletion suggest Dropdown. Tag names look like <k:form myattr=„“...>

How can I add my own elements in HTML auto completion? What do I need to do?

Or do I have to create a new Komodo language from template? If so, where to I register the tag names? I have tested this but can not find where to define the tag names.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Hi, we do not support this in Komodo 11 yet. Hopefully we will have this ability in Komodo 11.1.

Can you please tell me something about:

Or do I have to create a new Komodo language from template? If so, where to I register the tag names? I have tested this but can not find where to define the tag names.

What do you mean by you “have tested this but can not find where to define the tag names”? What exactly have you tested?

I have selected Project -> create project from template -> komodo language -> … a guide opens. After the guide I have a project an can build and install my language package.

After that I can select my new language from the language selector of my new created file. Everything nice… but I have no idea where to define the autocompletion and tag names is this Komodo language project.

Okay, as I said, we do not support adding your own language completions in Komodo 11. We hope to add something similar for Komodo 11.1.

I am using Komodo 10. In my opinion Komodo 11 is too buggy to use in production. You guys should be thinking about throwing a new major payed updated version every year.

So I read your lines like “we do not support Komodo 10 anymore”. Is that right? If that will be the case - I am definitely switching to another IDE to spend money for. You should be thinking of that I / we have payed for an IDE. Your features you sell at major upgrades are mostly bugfixes - that is not cool. I have posted so many issues on GitHub - every time the feedback comes “will be fixed in next minor version”. There are no patch level updates…right?

So I don’t think you are going to explain me something about the working of an komodo language extension - huh?

Maybe I am completely wrong here - since years…

I don’t know how else to say that language extensions do not allow you to provide autocompletions in Komodo 11. They only allow you to provide syntax highlighting and other minor features for new languages.

I know there is a old snippet for creating custom auto completions:

But for Komodo 11.1 it is possible it won’t work anymore ( and replaced by the new logic )