Kotclint.exe growing infinitly

When I leave Komodo opened several days, my computer is slowing. I look to the processes runing and I see kotclint.exe with a lot of memory used (sometimes close de 1Go). I don’t understand why this kotclint is running all the time and why it takes so much memory.
By the way, Komodo can eat sometime 700Mo of memory. Does-it affected by the number of opened files ?

The only way to resolve this issue is to quit Komodo and kill kotclint process.

An idea ?

Komodo IDE 12
Win7 64bits
Intel i7 - 16Go RAM

Hi @CRo, I’m not sure why kotclint would be running constantly. I can’t find a reference to it in the code base so is it perhaps an addon you installed for Tcl syntax checking? That is crazy that it’s running at 1 GB.

As for Komodo gradually slowing down, that’s a known issue that could have numerous contributing factors, not least of which is the very old version of Mozilla we’re running on. That issue is not likely to go away any time soon.

  • Carey

I did’t installed specific Tcl syntax checking (or I don’t remember…). Does Komodo IDE uses internal tcl syntax checking program ?
My preferences about TCL syntax checking are:

  • enable background syntax checking after 2000ms (default value) : enabled
  • enable checking of mixed end of line: enabled
  • clear Lint results on each change: disabled
  • check syntax for TCL: enabled
  • I force syntax checking with TCL 8.5 version

By the way, I’m currently using Komodo IDE 12 and memory usage shows me :

  • Komodo : 1007Mo
  • Kotcllint : 1113Mo
    And I noticed that Python.exe process is also running at 400Mo… And I don’t use Python language.

It’s amazing !

What I did since monday : tcl debug, simple programming, some researches, something like 20 tabs opened, source code control enabled (with SVN subversion).
So nothing amazing…

If I close and re-open komodo IDE 12, memory is about 200Mo but kotcllint is still opened with same memory size (~1100Mo)…

Here is my memory usage (I don’t know if it is usefull…):
Explicit Allocations

724.83 MB (100.0%) – explicit
├──390.03 MB (53.81%) – window-objects
│ ├──254.24 MB (35.08%) – top(chrome://komodo/content/komodo.xul, id=3)
│ │ ├──243.23 MB (33.56%) – active
│ │ │ ├──200.51 MB (27.66%) – window(chrome://komodo/content/komodo.xul)
│ │ │ │ ├──133.08 MB (18.36%) – dom
│ │ │ │ │ ├──132.13 MB (18.23%) ── orphan-nodes
│ │ │ │ │ └────0.95 MB (00.13%) ++ (4 tiny)
│ │ │ │ ├───59.79 MB (08.25%) – js-compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│ │ │ │ │ ├──36.58 MB (05.05%) – classes
│ │ │ │ │ │ ├──17.72 MB (02.44%) – class(XULElement)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├──13.09 MB (01.81%) – objects
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├──10.64 MB (01.47%) ── gc-heap
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───2.45 MB (00.34%) ── malloc-heap/slots
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───4.63 MB (00.64%) ++ shapes
│ │ │ │ │ │ ├──13.93 MB (01.92%) – class(Proxy)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├──13.93 MB (01.92%) ── objects/gc-heap
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───0.00 MB (00.00%) ++ shapes/gc-heap
│ │ │ │ │ │ └───4.92 MB (00.68%) ++ (22 tiny)
│ │ │ │ │ ├──16.00 MB (02.21%) ── cross-compartment-wrapper-table
│ │ │ │ │ └───7.22 MB (01.00%) ++ (5 tiny)
│ │ │ │ └────7.63 MB (01.05%) ++ (3 tiny)
│ │ │ └───42.72 MB (05.89%) ++ (22 tiny)
│ │ └───11.01 MB (01.52%) – js-zone(0xe727800)
│ │ ├───8.82 MB (01.22%) ── unused-gc-things
│ │ └───2.19 MB (00.30%) ++ (7 tiny)
│ ├──133.80 MB (18.46%) – top(none)/detached
│ │ ├───46.19 MB (06.37%) – window(chrome://komodo/content/pref/invocations/debugging-properties.xul)
│ │ │ ├──29.89 MB (04.12%) ── style-sheets [38]
│ │ │ ├──15.13 MB (02.09%) – js-compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│ │ │ │ ├───9.12 MB (01.26%) ++ classes
│ │ │ │ └───6.02 MB (00.83%) ++ (4 tiny)
│ │ │ └───1.17 MB (00.16%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ │ ├───36.48 MB (05.03%) – window(chrome://komodo/content/find/findResultsTab.xul)
│ │ │ ├──28.31 MB (03.91%) ── style-sheets [36]
│ │ │ ├───7.61 MB (01.05%) ++ js-compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│ │ │ └───0.56 MB (00.08%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ │ ├───26.50 MB (03.66%) ++ (11 tiny)
│ │ ├───14.80 MB (02.04%) – window(chrome://komodo/content/debugger/variableEditor.xul)
│ │ │ ├──10.22 MB (01.41%) ── style-sheets [13]
│ │ │ └───4.58 MB (00.63%) – (3 tiny)
│ │ │ ├──4.32 MB (00.60%) ++ js-compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│ │ │ ├──0.25 MB (00.03%) ++ dom
│ │ │ └──0.01 MB (00.00%) ── property-tables [13]
│ │ └────9.83 MB (01.36%) ++ window(chrome://komodo/content/empty.xul?name=CodeIntelScan)
│ └────1.99 MB (00.27%) ++ (3 tiny)
├──111.05 MB (15.32%) – add-ons
│ ├──105.59 MB (14.57%) – breadcrumbs@activestate.com/js-non-window/zones/zone(0x255c000)/compartment([System Principal], chrome://breadcrumbs/content/sdk/breadcrumbs.js (from: resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js:236))
│ │ ├───98.56 MB (13.60%) – classes
│ │ │ ├──66.02 MB (09.11%) – class(Function)
│ │ │ │ ├──43.62 MB (06.02%) ++ objects
│ │ │ │ └──22.40 MB (03.09%) – shapes
│ │ │ │ ├──13.69 MB (01.89%) – gc-heap
│ │ │ │ │ ├───8.38 MB (01.16%) ── base
│ │ │ │ │ └───5.31 MB (00.73%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ │ │ │ └───8.71 MB (01.20%) – malloc-heap
│ │ │ │ ├──8.71 MB (01.20%) ── dict-tables
│ │ │ │ └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ── tree-kids
│ │ │ ├──13.76 MB (01.90%) – class(Object)
│ │ │ │ ├──12.48 MB (01.72%) ++ objects
│ │ │ │ └───1.28 MB (00.18%) ++ shapes
│ │ │ ├──11.27 MB (01.55%) – class(XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper)
│ │ │ │ ├───7.46 MB (01.03%) ++ shapes
│ │ │ │ └───3.80 MB (00.52%) ++ objects
│ │ │ └───7.50 MB (01.04%) ++ (3 tiny)
│ │ └────7.04 MB (00.97%) ++ (5 tiny)
│ └────5.45 MB (00.75%) ++ (43 tiny)
├───77.64 MB (10.71%) ── heap-unclassified
├───66.31 MB (09.15%) – js-non-window
│ ├──48.08 MB (06.63%) – zones
│ │ ├──30.28 MB (04.18%) – zone(0x255c000)
│ │ │ ├──22.72 MB (03.13%) ++ (217 tiny)
│ │ │ └───7.56 MB (01.04%) ++ strings
│ │ └──17.80 MB (02.46%) ++ (80 tiny)
│ ├──14.38 MB (01.98%) ++ runtime
│ └───3.86 MB (00.53%) ++ gc-heap
├───32.22 MB (04.45%) ++ (19 tiny)
├───18.87 MB (02.60%) – xpconnect
│ ├──12.23 MB (01.69%) ── runtime
│ └───6.64 MB (00.92%) ++ (4 tiny)
├───14.50 MB (02.00%) – cycle-collector
│ ├──10.16 MB (01.40%) ── graph-nodes
│ └───4.35 MB (00.60%) ++ (2 tiny)
└───14.20 MB (01.96%) – heap-overhead

  • ├───7.98 MB (01.10%) ── bookkeeping*
  • └───6.22 MB (00.86%) ++ (3 tiny)*

If it could help other people: it seems that the problem is solved since “scanner” is disabled in Code intelligence preference.