Komodo, win11, offline

In earlier times I had a license and paid updates for komodo. Now it it is free.
I have worked with komodo without problems until yesterday. Now i have win11;
your host is reachable, the komodo.exe is not blocked by firewall.
I have a new account at active state, my old was lost, or not lost, because after registering the same mail, you still know my name.

Anyway komodo says, i am offline, cant sign in, cant use komodo.
I need to work, please tell me how?

I have remembered the solution.

Copying both directories from a running system to the new system works for me. This might not be the preferred method, dear people from ActiveState, but it is the only solution that has consistently worked for me over the years. I’m glad I remembered this and found a backup from my old system.

The problem is not related to certificates, firewall, or any such issues. The issue lies with the directories in:

In my installation, I have:

Komodo IDE

I believe you have changed the names here, but overlooked some other aspects. When I compare your “new install” with my old install, I see that I have many more files in both directories. While some of these files may not be necessary, others are crucial for my setup. Komodo is running now.

By the way, is there another ActiveState forum? It keeps giving me an “invalid token” error or something similar, which is quite amusing.

Morning @Josef_Qualtinger,

You are correct that Komodo IDE is now free. It has also been released as open source and ActiveState no longer supports it. That happened around the end of 2022.

The issue you’re hitting is that the known cert authorities certificates that ship with the Mozilla that Komodo 12 was built on have all expired. The fix is to install new ones but the only way to install them is to be able to start Komodo, which you can’t do without logging in now.

To workaround this catch 22 you need to follow the instructions posted here: Login failed, it appears you are offline (again) - #14 by careyh

I apologies for the disapointing news for you, a long time user. The workaround is a bit tidious but should allow you to use Komodo as expected, for the most part.

If you continue to work with Komodo and you notice additional things going from that are network related and you see SSL errors in the logs, checkout this workaround to get newer SSL certs installed: [2021-11-24 15:49:45,323] [ERROR] console-logger: community.komodoide.com:443 uses an invalid security certificate - Support - Komodo IDE & Edit | Forums

Best of luck to you,

  • Carey