Komodo IDE 11 can't use the enter function anymore

So ive installed the new IDE Komodo 11 client and ive got an issue
so normally when a word is typed and you want to type it again after 3 characters you can press enter to replace that word but it doesnt work anymore. is there any settings i can use to solve this problem? thanks anyways

ps: for example i had to type write_handler 3 times instead of typing it once and then 2 times with the enter thing

Do you get code auto-completions at all? Try to enable the “Show completions while typing” option under Preferences - Code Intelligence.

im sorry to ask where do i find the preferences?

oh found it

it all seems ticket on

Do you get completions when you restart in safe mode? (Help > Troubleshooting > Restart in Safe Mode)

no, even when i disable and reable it it wont work

So something as simple as the image below does not work for you?