Komodo Edit 8.5 inserts two spaces

Komodo Edit 8.5 inserts two spaces when I only want one.

Eg in CSS:

margin:  0

I only want one space after the colon.

I’ve currently turned off Prefer Tabs over Spaces, global and per language. No difference.

Any ideas?

Anything under 2 spaces you should just insert using your spacebar, not tabs - that kind of defeats the purpose of tabbed indentation.

Well, I am using the space bar, once!

I’m not seeing extra spaces after performing the steps I used to try and reproduce your issue @tigh39 .

-open a CSS file
-create a blah ID definition #blah
-start typing mar in{} and use code completion to finish (TAB or Enter)

I get one space after the “:”.

    margin: auto; /*one space after ":"*/

Could you elaborate on your steps if I didn't outline how you're reproducing this issue?

- Carey 

I believe this can occur if the Code Intelligence > Fillup characters preference is enabled

It’s when codeintel fillup is enabled, typing “margSPACE” results in two spaces.

I’ve logged a bug on this problem here:

The workaround would be to disable the codeintel fillup preference.

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I disabled Code Intelligence > Fillup characters and the problem is fixed.