Komodo 11.1, Python 3.7 x64

Hi, I’ve installed new komodo 11.1 and python 3.7 x64 on Win10x64
I’ve configured python language to point to the executable and python37 folder is located in the environment path.

When I run a simple print(‘hello’) from within komodo, i receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 11\lib\support\dbgp\bin\py3_dbgp.py”, line 105, in
import dbgp.client
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 11\lib\support\dbgp\python3lib\dbgp\client.py”, line 1975
def interaction(self, frame, tb = None, async = 0):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

any suggestions?

This is fixed in a nightly that will be available around 12 PM PST:

  • Carey

Hi, I got the same error message after I’ve installed Komodo11(Komodo IDE, version 11.1.0, build 91033, platform win32-x86.Built on Wed May 30 10:04:55 2018),windows10Pro X64.

Any comments?

@lenlee2016, did you read the ticket? Install the nightly.