Some years ago I used Komodo and recently I wanted to give it at try again, I even bought a license, but…
Over the last 8-10 days I have seen so many small things that does not really work.
Komodo is at version 9, so ‘simple’ things like skins and color schemes should be rock solid, but its not Example - I have a ‘dark’ skin so the Editor part is dark, but the ‘Project sidebar’ and ‘Toolbox sidebar’ is still light colors and totally different.
PHP condeintel work sometimes and komodo does not support major PHP frameworks
The number of add-ons are very limited
Does not know that it is running in multi monitor setup e.g. I have Komodo on my ‘Left’ screen, but all dialog opens on the right screen, in other words they do not open relative to the IDE but relative to one screen
It’s very difficult to make your own API catalog to improve the codeintel - or at least the documentation on how to make it work is hidden
looking at http://komodoide.com/testimonials/ one gets the impression that Komodo is really good, but hey… most of the statements is 2-3-4 years old
What is the purpose of the ‘Console’, i would assume that it was for fast executing 'console/command line/ functions in the current directory or project directory… No
A side note: I actually just went to: http://docs.komodoide.com/manual/Console-Pane to get some more details, but again, a dead end
I really hope that I’m wrong and that someone can prove me wrong so i do not feel that Komodo is a waste of time and money.