Is it possible to write an extension for debugger output

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to add a formater for debug output in order to support ANSI escape codes.
I use different colours to highlight some output and it usually saves a lot of time to navigate trough.
Currently debug output doesn’t know how to parse escape codes.

I have noticed that there is an HTML formatter which attempts to parse output as html markup. So I thought there might be a way to add something similar as an extension.

I played with Komodo’s Javascript Environment. and I figured how to get chrome window objects and do simple manipulations with them, but I couldn’t realise if there’s a way to listen on debug output from extension API. And I couldn’t find a lead where to find corresponding documentation.

There’s also related feature idea [ANSI escape code … debug output]

Technically it ought to be possible, but this would be some very involved coding and most of the work would be in researching how to extend the code in question. It’s not something we could provide much guidance on as the guidance would be 90% of the work.