ICO tokens missing

Hey guys, I am looking for some help here. Or at least an explanation of what happened.

So I participated in the original ICO of Komodo back in 2016. Here is the transaction on the blockchain 45a4e4bf0145d41bde568488fc5a2a6802c07575159e36697dbc1750dde08882. You can see I send 1BTC to 12EhDZVKhDbSPrYMmVmZQvukwzk7WdNFpF which then went to 35Rwwc9e2Mj7smFXJ1iXF826cMW3tqfz6x which I believe was the ICO address.

I registered my e-mail address with a password, got my 12-word phrase and my public address which is RFsHh2veMbXYxqWQh7JVf96NVPGLKF5aQN. The same address is being generated when I import my 12-word phrase into a Komodo wallet. But when I check the address like at kmdexplorer.io it show no balance or activity.

I can’t figure out what happened? Did I not write down the right phrase? Was there a token swap? A protocol upgrade? Is there any place I can see the token distribution event? Is there a place I can login with your e-mail address?

I know there was a BTCD token swap but I was not part of that

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you,

Hi there, you are on the wrong forums. This is for Komodo IDE. We are not associated with kmdexplorer.io.

Sorry. Thanks!