Hey Carey,
I’ve made progress on characterizing the issue.
It appears that komodo edit/ide no longer supports month names in French locale.
Issues are:
- french month name (example: Avril not expected)
- french accents (example: Févr not expected)
- dot at end of abbreviated french mont (example Nov. not expected)
The file causing the issue is: koRemoteFileInfo.py
I isolated the problem using the following unit test: (run using: python -m unittest -v ed4carey)
You can reproduce the issue easily and look at logs (unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log file)
Content of ed4carey.py
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
import unittest
import datetime
import os
import time
import stat
import re
import logging
from string import digits as string_digits
from string import ascii_lowercase
#import strptime
# Regex parsers for processing directory listings
re_parse_unix_ftp_line = re.compile(r'^.([+rwxXstugo-]*)\s+(.*?\s+.*?\s+.*?)\s*(\d*?)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\d:]+)\s(.*)$')
re_parse_unix_ftp_line_alt = re.compile(r'^.([+rwxXstugo-]*)\s+(.*?\s+.*?\s+.*?)\s+(\d*?)(\s+)([\d-]+)\s+([\d:]+)\s(.*)$')
re_parse_dos_ftp_line = re.compile(r'^(..-..-..\s+..:....)\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)$')
log = logging.getLogger('koRemoteFileInfo')
logging.basicConfig(filename='unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log', encoding='utf-8', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('New unit test started ================================= %s ====================================', datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# koRemoteFileInfo will store information about a remote file/directory.
# This includes permissions, file type, size and path.
class koRemoteFileInfo:
"""Remote file information"""
# _com_interfaces_ = [components.interfaces.koIRemoteFileInfo]
_reg_desc_ = "Komodo Remote File Info"
_reg_contractid_ = "@activestate.com/koRemoteFileInfo;1"
_reg_clsid_ = "{de59c592-44b5-44c6-aa15-b9c6059416be}"
# d - if the entry is a directory
# b - if the entry is a block type special file
# c - if the entry is a character type special file
# l - if the entry is a symbolic link
# s - if the entry is a socket
# - - if the entry is a plain file
_possible_first_chars_for_unix_listing = ("-", "d", "l", "s", "b", "c")
_3char_month_names = ["jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun",
# Encoding is used when encoding is not UTF8 compatible
encoding = ''
link_target = None
def __init__(self):
# Not all these may be set, depending upon the remote OS and it's
# server implementation. They will be given defaults in these cases.
self.log = log
self.path = '' # Full path to the file
self.filename = '' # Just the name of the file without directory
self.dirname = '' # The directory the file is help within
self.st_size = '0'
self.st_uid = ''
self.st_gid = ''
self.st_mode = 0L
self.st_mtime = 0L
self.children = []
self.lastListedTime = 0
self.originalIsSymlink = False
# symlink mode bit gets cleared by _followSymlink
# Boolean checker methods
def isFile(self):
return stat.S_ISREG(self.st_mode)
def isDirectory(self):
return stat.S_ISDIR(self.st_mode)
def isSymlink(self):
return stat.S_ISLNK(self.st_mode)
# For read and write permissions we do not know which group the user belongs
# to, so we combine all of the u/g/o permissions and if one of these are
# read/writeable, then we assume the user has read/write permissions.
# http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=76018
def isReadable(self):
return (self.st_mode & self.ANY_READABLE)
def isWriteable(self):
return (self.st_mode & self.ANY_WRITEABLE)
def isExecutable(self):
return (self.st_mode & stat.S_IEXEC) == stat.S_IEXEC
def isHidden(self): # Hmmm...
# XXX - Whats hidden for, how is it used??
return 0
def needsDirectoryListing(self):
# Must be a directory that has not had it's children set
return (self.isDirectory() and not self.lastListedTime)
# Getter methods
def getFilepath(self):
return self.path
def getEncoding(self):
return self.encoding
def getFilename(self):
return self.filename
def getDirname(self):
return self.dirname
def getLinkTarget(self):
return self.link_target
def getFileSize(self):
return self.st_size
def getModifiedTime(self):
return self.st_mtime
def getChildren(self):
return self.children
def getTimeRefreshed(self):
return self.lastListedTime
# Setter methods
def setChildren(self, children):
self.children = children
self.lastListedTime = time.time()
def setLinkTarget(self, link_target):
self.link_target = link_target
def setMode(self, mode):
self.st_mode = mode
def _join_path(self, dirname, filename):
if dirname and dirname[-1] == '/':
return dirname + filename
return dirname + '/' + filename
# Internal for class usage
def _setpathinfo(self, dirname, filename, link_target=None):
# The basename of "/" is the empty string "" - which is not wanted.
if filename != "/":
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
if filename not in ('', '/', '~', '~/', '.', './'):
self.path = self._join_path(dirname, filename)
self.dirname = dirname
self.dirname = filename
self.path = filename
self.filename = filename
if link_target:
if link_target[0] in ('/', '~'):
# Absolute path
self.link_target = link_target
# Relative path
self.link_target = self._join_path(self.dirname, link_target)
# Initializers
# Init from file attributes, same as used by the stat and os modules
def initFromStats(self, dirname, filename, size, uid, gid, mode, mtime):
self._setpathinfo(dirname, filename)
self.st_size = size
self.st_uid = uid
self.st_gid = gid
self.st_mode = mode
self.st_mtime = mtime
#if self.log.level >= logging.DEBUG:
# self.log.debug("initFromStats: %s", str(self))
self.log.debug("initFromStats: %s", self)
# Init from raw ftp directory listing
def initFromDirectoryListing(self, dirname, line):
mode = 0
isSymlink = False
self.dirname = dirname
link_target = None
if not line:
log.debug("initFromDirectoryListing: No line to process!")
return False
# Check the first character of the listing is a unix style
if line[0] in self._possible_first_chars_for_unix_listing:
# UNIX-style listing, without inum and without blocks */
# "-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README" */
# "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" */
# "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" */
# "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 7 Jan 25 00:17 bin -> usr/bin" */
# Note that UNIX-style listings can use names that contain a space:
# "-rw------- 1 incognito.guy Domain Users 11420 2011-12-29 18:51 .bash_history"
# Also produced by Microsoft's FTP servers for Windows: */
# "---------- 1 owner group 1803128 Jul 10 10:18 ls-lR.Z" */
# "d--------- 1 owner group 0 May 9 19:45 Softlib" */
# Also WFTPD for MSDOS: */
# "-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 322 Aug 19 1996 message.ftp" */
# Also NetWare: */
# "d [R----F--] supervisor 512 Jan 16 18:53 login" */
# "- [R----F--] rhesus 214059 Oct 20 15:27 cx.exe" */
# Also NetPresenz and Rumpus on the Mac: */
# "-------r-- 326 1391972 1392298 Nov 22 1995 MegaPhone.sit" */
# "drwxrwxr-x folder 2 May 10 1996 network" */
# We used to regex on the line, but that is too slow, now we just
# use split() and do our best with that.
fi = line.split(None, 7)
if len(fi) == 7 and fi[1] == "folder":
# NetPresenz and Rumpus folder format
fi = fi[:1] + ["", ""] + fi[2:]
# First char dictates the type of file
if line[0] == "d":
mode |= stat.S_IFDIR # directory
elif line[0] == "-":
mode |= stat.S_IFREG # regular file
elif line[0] == "l":
mode |= stat.S_IFLNK # symlink
isSymlink = True
elif line[0] == "s":
mode |= stat.S_IFSOCK # socket
elif line[0] == "b":
mode |= stat.S_IFBLK # block type (special file)
elif line[0] == "c":
mode |= stat.S_IFCHR # character type (special file)
mode |= stat.S_IFREG # unknown
#self.log.debug("THIS IS A SYMLINK!!!")
# we unfortunately dont know if we are owner or group member, so guess again
mode_str = fi[0]
# Determine the file permissions, i.e. from the line "drwxr-xr-x"
if mode_str[1:2] == "r": mode |= stat.S_IRUSR
if mode_str[2:3] == "w": mode |= stat.S_IWUSR
if mode_str[3:4] == "x": mode |= stat.S_IXUSR
elif mode_str[3:4] == "s": mode |= (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_ISUID)
elif mode_str[3:4] == "S": mode |= stat.S_ISUID
if mode_str[4:5] == "r": mode |= stat.S_IRGRP
if mode_str[5:6] == "w": mode |= stat.S_IWGRP
if mode_str[6:7] == "x": mode |= stat.S_IXGRP
elif mode_str[6:7] == "s": mode |= (stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_ISGID)
elif mode_str[6:7] == "S": mode |= stat.S_ISGID
if mode_str[7:8] == "r": mode |= stat.S_IROTH
if mode_str[8:9] == "w": mode |= stat.S_IWOTH
if mode_str[9:10] == "x": mode |= stat.S_IXOTH
elif mode_str[9:10] == "t": mode |= (stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_ISVTX)
elif mode_str[9:10] == "T": mode |= stat.S_ISVTX
# Deal with spaces in the user or group names - bug .
if fi[4] and fi[4][0].lower() in ascii_lowercase and \
fi[5] and fi[5][0] in string_digits and \
fi[7] and fi[7][0] in string_digits and \
" " in fi[7] and \
fi[3] and fi[3][0].lower() in ascii_lowercase and \
fi[2] and fi[2][0].lower() in ascii_lowercase:
while len(fi) >= 8:
fi[3] += fi.pop(5)
fi = fi[:6] + fi[6].split(None, 1)
if fi[5] and fi[5][0] in string_digits:
if fi[4].lower() in self._3char_month_names:
# Not enough fields, pad it out.
fi.insert(1, "")
if fi[4]: self.st_size = fi[4] # File size
# Work out the date
# Date is in fi[5], check it's format. I.e
# "Nov 30"
# "2005-11-30"
# "26 fev"
# to see if we have a time, or a year?
guessedYear = False
if fi[5] and (fi[5][0] not in string_digits or
(len(fi[6]) == 3 and fi[6][0] not in string_digits)):
if " " in fi[7] and fi[7][0] in string_digits:
# Requires the filename field to be split up:
fi = fi[:1] + fi[2:7] + fi[7].split(None, 1)
if len(fi) == 9:
month,day,year = fi[4:7]
# Some locales swap the day and the month, i.e. french:
# "26 fev 22:00", bug 88866.
if month and month[0] in string_digits and \
day and day not in string_digits:
day, month = month, day
if year.find(":") > -1:
hour = year
# fix time to be 5 digit always
year = "%d"%(time.gmtime(time.time())[0])
guessedYear = True
hour = "00:00"
if len(day) < 2: day = "0"+day
if len(hour) < 5: hour = "0"+hour
date = "%s %s %s %s" % (month, day, year, hour)
# Note: This can fail due to locale differences between
# the client and server, as time.strptime uses the
# locale for converting the fields. If this does
# fail, we give it one other chance using default
# English as the locale setting. See bug:
# http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=62638
t = time.strptime(date, '%b %d %Y %H:%M')
except Exception, e: # Error parsing the date field
# Try using internal strptime, with ENGLISH setting
t = strptime.strptime(date, '%b %d %Y %H:%M')
sp = fi[5].split('-', 2)
if len(sp) == 3:
# 2005-11-30 format
year, month, day = sp
hour = fi[6]
date = "%s %s %s %s" % (year, month, day, hour)
t = time.strptime(date, '%Y %m %d %H:%M')
raise Exception("Uknown date")
self.st_mtime = time.mktime(t)
if guessedYear:
# Bug 81475.
# If the time is more than a day ahead, set it back one
# year. For example, we recieved: "Dec 31 23:29", but
# if today's date is "March 18 2009", then the year should
# actually be 2008, otherwise the date is in the future...
# A date too far ahead is defined as two days greater than
# the current local machine time (> 99% correct).
if self.st_mtime >= time.time() + (2 * 60 * 60 * 24):
t = list(t)
t[0] -= 1
self.st_mtime = time.mktime(t)
except Exception, e: # Error parsing the date field
#print "\n%s" % e
self.log.warn("Unknown date in line: '%s'" % (line))
self.st_mtime = 0 # Unknown date, 1970 it is!
if isSymlink:
filename, link_target = fi[7].split(" -> ")
#self.log.debug("Symlink %s -> %s", filename, link_target)
filename = fi[7]
else: # msdos style lines
fig = re_parse_dos_ftp_line.search(line)
# Examples:
# "03-07-06 11:39AM 598917120 photos.tar"
# "07-03-06 10:19AM <DIR> home"
if not fig:
log.debug("initFromDirectoryListing: Regex does not match for the given input: '%s'", line)
return False
fi = fig.groups()
# we simply don't know, so say yes!
mode |= stat.S_IREAD
mode |= stat.S_IWRITE
mode |= stat.S_IEXEC
# mode |= stat.S_IFDIR # directory
mode |= stat.S_IFREG # regular file
# mode |= stat.S_IFLNK # symlink
if str(fi[1][:5]) == '<DIR>':
# this is a directory
mode |= stat.S_IFDIR # directory
mode -= stat.S_IFREG # regular file
self.st_size = '0'
self.st_size = fi[1]
#t = time.strptime(fi[0],'%m-%d-%y %I:%M%p')
# Note: This can fail due to locale differences between
# the client and server, as time.strptime uses the
# locale for converting the fields. If this does
# fail, we give it one other chance using default
# English as the locale setting. See bug:
# http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=62638
t = time.strptime(fi[0],'%m-%d-%y %I:%M%p')
except Exception, e: # Error parsing the date field
# Try using internal strptime, with ENGLISH setting
t = strptime.strptime(fi[0],'%m-%d-%y %I:%M%p')
#print "date trans: ",repr(t)
self.st_time = time.mktime(t)
except Exception, e: # Error parsing the date field
#print "\n%s" % e
self.log.warn("Unknown date in line: '%s'" % (line))
self.st_mtime = 0 # Unknown date, 1970 it is!
filename = fi[2]
#print "filename:", filename
self.st_mode = mode
# Set the full path
# XXX - Windows/DOS filenames break ??
self._setpathinfo(dirname, filename, link_target)
#self.log.debug("initFromDirectoryListing: %s", self)
return True
# Readonly attributes
def get_size(self):
return self.st_size
def get_mode(self):
return self.st_mode
def get_uid(self):
return self.st_uid
def get_gid(self):
return self.st_gid
def get_mtime(self):
return self.st_mtime
def __str__(self):
s = ""
if self.isDirectory():
s += "D"
if self.isFile():
s += "F"
if self.isReadable():
s += "r"
if self.isWriteable():
s += "w"
if self.isSymlink():
return "%s (link -> %s) m:%s sz:%r c:%r %s fp:'%s'" % (self.filename, self.link_target, s, self.st_size, len(self.children), time.asctime(time.localtime(self.st_mtime)), self.path)
return "%s m:%s sz:%r c:%r %s fp:'%s'" % (self.filename, s, self.st_size, len(self.children), time.asctime(time.localtime(self.st_mtime)), self.path)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
class TestKomodoRemoteFileInfoParsing(unittest.TestCase):
def _makeKoRemoteFileInfo(self):
# rf = components.classes[''].\
# createInstance(components.interfaces.koIRemoteFileInfo)
rf = koRemoteFileInfo()
return rf
def test_english_parsing(self):
# Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed
lists = [
'drwxr-xr-x 18 179 666 4096 Oct 10 15:38 Python-2.3.4',
'-rw-r--r-- 1 501 501 8502738 Oct 10 15:31 Python-2.3.4.tgz',
'srwxrwxr-x 1 500 500 0 Sep 15 22:31 MQSeries.1147',
'-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 179302 Nov 15 15:52 pdf',
'-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 555 Nov 7 14:26 pdf.txt',
"-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README",
"dr-xr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Apr 8 1994 etc",
"dr-xr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Apr 8 1994 lib",
"lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 7 Jan 25 00:17 bin -> usr/bin",
"---------- 1 owner group 1803128 Jul 10 10:18 ls-lR.Z",
"d--------- 1 owner group 0 May 9 19:45 Softlib",
"-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 322 Aug 19 1996 message.ftp",
for l in lists:
fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
logging.info('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)
#print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
self.failIf(fileinfo.st_mtime == 0, "Failed to parse: %r" % (l, ))
def test_french_month_parsing(self):
# Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed ... or not (I get them using: ssh root@vps1 'ls -al /home/www/htdocs')
lists = [
'drwxr-xr-x 13 www www 4096 9 avril 2020 wapiVote',
fail = 0
for l in lists:
fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
if fileinfo.st_mtime == 0:
fail = 1
logging.debug('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)
#print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
self.failIf(fail == 1, "Failed to parse: see log file unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log")
def test_french_accent_parsing(self):
# Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed ... or not (I get them using: ssh root@vps1 'ls -al /home/www/htdocs')
lists = [
'drwxr-xr-x 13 www www 4096 15 févr. 2017 wapiGame',
'-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 137 17 déc. 2016 index.php',
fail = 0
for l in lists:
fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
if fileinfo.st_mtime == 0:
fail = 1
logging.debug('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)
#print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
self.failIf(fail == 1, "Failed to parse: see log file unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log")
def test_french_dot_parsing(self):
# Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed ... or not (I get them using: ssh root@vps1 'ls -al /home/www/htdocs')
lists = [
'drwxr-xr-x 14 www www 4096 23 nov. 13:02 wapiImmo',
fail = 0
for l in lists:
fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
if fileinfo.st_mtime == 0:
fail = 1
logging.debug('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)
#print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
self.failIf(fail == 1, "Failed to parse: see log file unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log")
if __name__ == '__main__':