ko.open.URI("path to help page (http(s) or chrome://)","browser");
Function ko.help.open() used for opening Komodo built-in help pages defined in toc.xml (or not, @toddw can say more). I don’t know how to open pages that placed in your add-on
var url = "http://www.komodoide.com/";
// To open a browser view (like an editor tab):
ko.open.URI(url, "browser");
// To open in an external (or default) browser:
To locate file inside of an extension:
var afile = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].
get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
// Add extensions dir
// Add the extension name
// Add the file name
// Now grab the path
var path = afile.path;
And why do not use chrome://extension_name/content/mypage.html where extension_name defined in chrome.manifest (in most cases as first line of manifest file, for example: content extension_name content/)?
Thanks, I’ve already concocted a dialog to handle external html pages or pages I’ve put in my extension chrome (see below). I was just thinking that the Komodo help dialog might be more usable (with its nifty contents pane, and navigation and print buttons.) than that strategy.