I’m using Ver 12 and find the autocomplete quite annoying. I’m coding in Perl. When I type print it furnishes LIST. If I don’t backspace to delete the suggestion and go on typing starting with a quote (which I do 90% of the time for print statements) it puts quotes around LIST and I have to backspace to delete the whole mess.
I’m not sure I’m calling it the right thing. I have uncheked “enable completions” under code intelligence preferences and it doesn’t help.
You’re also getting hitting Auto-Abbreviations: Prefs > Smart editing > Auto-Abbreviations. You can either disable them or edit the abbreviation in your toolbox:
Find the abbrev. in the toolbox, View menu > Tabs & Sidebars > Toolbox: Abbreviations > Perl. Looks like you’re hitting Keywords > print
Right click > Properties
Experiment (Snippets/Abbreviations support EJS segments so they are very powerful).