Switched to 9.0, coming from 8.5, I miss the full width of the bottom pane
Well I can move the pane easily with
var $ = require("ko/dom");
bps = $("#bottom_splitter, #workspace_bottom_area");
bp = $("#workspace_bottom_area");
However that seems to mess up the widgets. Feel free to experiment further, that’s all the time I can spend right now.
Worth noting that we did get some initial complaints from people when we first made this switch on the pre-release, but after a few days they all warmed up to it and last I heard they’re all quite happy. Give it a chance?
My pain is that the debugger gets squeezed and I’m using it a LOT
You could try detaching the pane altogether - Right click the tab > “Detach Pane”.
sorry, I need this: