How to create a KOIDE snippet that outputs an *uninterpolated* Komodo Snippet placeholder?


AbnerDash Emmitt wishes to create a snippet that helps KO users to create Komodo snippets.

The goal is to create a snippet that outputs a Komodo Snippet placeholder

The problem is, AbnerDash Emmit attempted to use EJS, but that did not go according to expectations

var sslb = '[';
var ssrb = ']';
var spct = '%';
var swrd = 'tabstop';
%><%= sslb%><%= sslb%><%= spct%><%= swrd%>:DEFAULT<%= ssrb%><%= ssrb%>

The above snippet is AbnerDash’s first attempt. This attempt fails because KO interpolates the output before rendering it in the text buffer, which results in an interpolated result of


instead of the intended result



How can AbnerDash obtain the intended result?