Go to definition (CTRL + Mouseclick)

Like in my other topic this doesn’t work for me since komodo 8.5.4 in older versions it worked.

Now when i press CTRL and hover my cursor over a function it marks an other word 2-5 rows above my cursor. On click it goes to the function that is marked but not to that where the cursor hovers

The amount of rows changes.
When i scroll a bit and use it again its 2 rows above my cursor, i scroll again its 4 rows above…


You’re using a non-standard DPI:

The standard DPI is 96, we’re tracking the bugs related to a non-standard DPI here:

But it is also when i set my DPI to 96x96

You should restart Komodo after you changed the DPI.

What Defman is getting at is that it’s related to the same problem we’re tracking in the other thread. So let’s continue there.