Now I’ve also tried to reinstall in my home directory:
install: warning: It appears that either your system does not have gtk-2.0 installed, or your system's version of gtk-2.0 is not up to date.
Komodo requires version 2.24 or greater. Please update gtk-2.0. While Komodo will still install correctly, it may not run.
This diagnostic is not fool-proof. If you are sure the package is installed and up to date, you may safely ignore this warning.
Proceed? [y/N] y
Enter directory in which to install Komodo. Leave blank and
press 'Enter' to use the default [~/Komodo-Edit-9].
Install directory:
install: warning: It appears that either your system does not have gtk-2.0 installed, or your system's version of gtk-2.0 is not up to date.
Komodo requires version 2.24 or greater. Please update gtk-2.0. While Komodo will still install correctly, it may not run.
This diagnostic is not fool-proof. If you are sure the package is installed and up to date, you may safely ignore this warning.
Komodo Edit 9 has been successfully installed to:
You might want to add 'komodo' to your PATH by adding the
install dir to you PATH. Bash users can add the following
to their ~/.bashrc file:
export PATH="/home/torpedo/Komodo-Edit-9/bin:$PATH"
Or you could create a symbolic link to 'komodo', e.g.:
ln -s "/home/torpedo/Komodo-Edit-9/bin/komodo" /usr/local/bin/komodo
But I cannot run it yet.
Note also that I already have libgtk-3-dev.
Thank you.
I think I’ve found the cause.
In ~/.komodoedit there are three folders:
and the group of 9.3 is root with only read permission. Changing in me and the relative permissions it seems to work as before.
In fact, this is your output:
Run Komodo with verbose mode and paste the output here
$HOME/Komodo-Edit-9/bin/komodo -v 2>&1