Something very strange is happening: I’m trying to add a simple ftp site to Komodo IDE 10.2 servers, nothing fancy but a url, ftp, port 21, user and password, passive
When I try to connect to this new FTP site Komodo seems to freeze but after a while it shows an alert saying “Cannot change directory”
By the way, with the same settings the ftp connects without a blink with CuteFtp and Dreamweaver
Please help me, I don’t wanna go back to SW
Ciao and thanks,
Komodo IDE, version 10.2.3, build 89902, platform win32-x86.
Would it be possible for you to share the connection details with us in our support email? if that’s ok. Please references this forum post.
This will be easier to diagnose if we can reproduce it internally.
Very very very sorry for the delay. I’m looking at this now. Hopefully can at least give you some hints of what’s going on. I am able to reproduce the issue. Thank you for sharing the FTP connection for debugging.
Update. I am not able to connect to @Edoardop’s server using Komodo but I am able to connect to other servers. I’m getting the following error in the logs:
[2017-09-08 17:18:24,131] [ERROR] koFTPConnection: FTP do_changeDirectory ERROR: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
I will need server side logs to see what that is about I think.