(Auto-)Abbreviation for RHTML not Working

Hello Community,

I give the Komodo Edit Editor a try at the moment (developing rails applications) and have a problem with the abbreviation of snippets in RHTML-Files. The editor doesn’t even recognize the sample-snippets in the Abbreviations\RHTML-Folder of the toolbox. I always get the notification "No ‘xxx’ abbreviation was found. The filetype for the *.html.erb is automatically set to RHTML and when I move the snippet to general it works. Why not in the RHTML-folder?

Thanks for help in advance.


@AxelRHD just tested it, but also can’t get it working.
Noticed that the auto abbreviation checkbox is disabled in these snippets, but when i enable this it also not working.

As work around you can use “commando: toggle commando with the tools and command scope” (ctrl + shift + k or for mac meta-key + shift + c) you can then search the snippet by typing the name.

I also noticed that there are more issues with auto-abbreviations in other languages,
I will open a issue for it

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