Addons for Komodo like Firefox?

I use notepad++ and am hooked to some features, however I want to move to sublime but i cant get those notepad++ features. Komodo looks better then sublime but its also missing the features I love from Notepad++.

I hear its possible to write addons for Komodo like we can for Firefox? In javascript. Is this possible?

Yes, you can write add-ons for Komodo if you have some experience in writing add-ons for Firefox.

Komodo looks better then sublime but its also missing the features I love from Notepad++.

Hi @Noitidart, could you mention a few of the features you’re looking for?

Thanks all.
Yeah man totally.

  • Feature 1 Unighlighted is untouched since file load. Orange=Unsaved. Green = Saved. Purple = Current Row

  • Feature 2 “Find All” results history. Can select copy stuff here, browse, double click to jump. Especially useful when “Finda All” used on directory to search in files. And also especially useful when did “Find All in Open Tabs”.

  • Feature 3 Awesome file browser. Right clicking in here gives OS standard context menu. And clicking this button focus directory of current folder super duper useful, I use this feature a TON, as it is so much easier then navigating through whole tree. I focus a recent tab, then hit “Show current folder” and it navigates the tree for me.

  • Feature Others Which you guys probably have:

  • Hotkey to jump to matching curly, parenthesis, single, double quot, html tag, etc.

  • Hotkey to make selection between the two, pressing again expands selectin more and more

  • Make a selection then do some funtions on it like:

    • Sort asc/dec, lexically or numerically, or alpha numerically
    • Trim leading/trailing/both
    • Soft highlights all occourances of that, but not selected/mult-edit highlight. Can hit hotkey to turn soft highlight to hard highlight (hotkey to select all soft highlighted, hotkey to hard seleect next/previous soft highlight, hotkey to skip the most recently hard highlighted) to make those highlights selected, so multi-edit
  • Find in folder, works great with file browser, right click a folder and say “find in directory” it pops open.

Komodo has the track changes sidebar which indicates this with colors in your editor margin (next to the line numbers). I think this is a much cleaner solution than coloring the entire line. So this would have to be community contributed if you really want it.

This isn’t really an option for Komodo because Komodo has a lot of native features in its context menu that the native file context menu doesn’t. It used to look a bit more like the OS menu on Windows but it was getting too crowded so we decided to clean it up. Not to say it’s 100% perfect the way it is, suggestions welcome.

That’s an interesting idea, consider filing an enhancement request?

Please consider filing separate enhancement requests for each of these. We very much appreciate your feedback but we realistically cannot track these ideas via the forums.

Available in Komodo.

Not sure for the rest of the “Feature Others” you asked, I’ve never used them so please do what Nathan asked (file enhancement requests) :smiley:

Thanks guys!

Hotkey to jump to matching curly, parenthesis, single, double quot, html tag, etc.
Hotkey to make selection between the two, pressing again expands selectin more and more

There are two built-in key bindings that get you most of this:

Code: Jump to Matching Brace and Code: Select to Matching Brace.

The second binding moves the cursor to the other brace when it’s called repeatedly, like the “jump” but with a selection. I think it’s reasonable to request a behavior change for that, since the presence of a selection essentially moots the value of moving the cursor position.

Sort asc/dec, lexically or numerically, or alpha numerically…

I’m not aware of a built-in binding, but it’s easy enough to write a macro to do the work. This also lets you sort however you want. Without the comments, this is just a 10-line macro:

// ----
// This is a Komodo JavaScript macro
// -----

editor = require('ko/editor');

// Access the current editor's internals.
scimoz = editor.scimoz();

// No current editor? Just return.
if (!scimoz) return;

// Current text selection.
selText = scimoz.selText;

// No selection? Just return.
if (!selText || selText.trim().length == 0) return;

// Get the lines from the selection.
// This assumes a certain line ending, for simplicity.
// It also assumes there's no trailing empty line.
// It's easy enough to find that and remove it.
lines = selText.split('\n');

// Only one line selected? Return!
if (lines.length <= 1) return;

// Use the default sort here, or write your own sorter.

// Stitch it back up and put it back in.
selText = lines.join('\n');

Trim leading/trailing/both…

Macros are best for this kind of operation. Some simple things like “delete to end of line” are available using a four-line macro:

// ----
// This is another Komodo JavaScript macro
// ----

editor = require('ko/editor');
scimoz = editor.scimoz();
if (!scimoz) return;
scimoz.delLineRight(); //Delete from the cursor to the EOL

Soft highlights all occourances of that, but not selected/mult-edit highlight…

I think I’d have to see this in action to understand it.