Add Komodo Edit to "Applications menu" in Debian 7

By default, Komodo Edit doesn’t add to my list of installed applications (“Applications Menu”) in Debian 7.5 Wheezy.
And if you get same problem, just do this:
Create file ~/.local/share/applications/KomodoEdit.desktop (nano ~/.local/share/applications/KomodoEdit.desktop)
Insert into file this code (if you open by “nano” editor, type Ctrl+Shift+V):

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Komodo Edit
Comment=Komodo Edit Editor
Exec=[path to bin file (at me: /opt/Komodo/bin/komodo or /usr/bin/komodo if you create a symlink (ln -s)) ]
Icon=[path to root folder for Komodo Edit (at me: /opt/Komodo)]/share/icons/komodo256.xpm

Save file (if “nano” : Ctrl+O) and now you can run Komodo via Applications menu.

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Thanks for the tutorial! But why would you run Komodo as root? That’s kinda risky and unnecessary …

When I trying to run koext from “Build and Install” in right sidebar without root privs - I’m get a error.

You should try and resolve the error rather than brute-force your way through. I’m going to remove the root part from your post as it’s bad practice and I don’t want anyone to destroy their system by accident.

Okay. Remove this part.

Hmm. I don’t think you need to use sudo to edit files in ~/.local/share/; can that be done as the normal user?

Editing /usr/local/share/, of course, would require root. Might also want to try using desktop-file-install if available, that should check that the file looks correct.

For me - no. I don’t understand why.

@mook means you should be able to edit ~/.local/share files as your normal users, not root. Basically anything under your home dir you should never use root for as you will screw up permissions on your files (this is likely why you were seeing a koext error).

I don’t care about my security and stable work, if I run Komodo by root, guys. Don’t write about this to me, okay? If you scared that you can break your system by root - OK, I don’t give a damn. Don’t use root account if you can break your system. I can’t do this and it’s a reason why I run Komodo by root. Thanks :smiley:
But for other users I don’t recommend use root If you can. For me - I don’t reconfigure my profile in system and I don’t want to do it. I can use root, I don’t scare to use root. Huh.

You can do whatever you like of course, but we don’t want to have posts here spreading information to end-users which promotes bad practice.

You don’t need to get defensive though, we’re simply trying to educate you on the security of your system. You’re still young, but even if you wheren’t - there’s nothing wrong with not knowing something. I learn new stuff each day.

If you want to work in the field you will have to learn to use root properly, because colleagues / employers will not take kindly to someone using root everywhere.

None of this is to say your post is not appreciated of course, it very much is. We’re simply trying to help you improve a detail.

Note: I’m use root only at my own PC. Of course if I will work in team not as leader, nobody don’t give me a root privileges.
Please, lets close theme about security and root. I don’t want to discuss this :smile: