I’ll leave it to the devs, I’ve never used custom templates. I can only assume that the templates are not raw HTML files but some sort of komodo tool files.
I’ll leave it to the devs, I’ve never used custom templates. I can only assume that the templates are not raw HTML files but some sort of komodo tool files.
We absolutely do not corroborate with any 3rd parties on including Komodo Edit in any Linux distribution. There are 3rd parties who in their own spare time may package Komodo Edit for their own distribution, but we are never privy to that, nor do we encourage it in any way. As Defman said, we highly recommend downloading Komodo Edit from our official website.
I would not be surprised if your distribution packaged Komodo 10.0.0, which has fixed a number of possible issues that you’re running into (like importing old themes). Did you ever get the “First Start Wizard” that allowed you to select your theme?
Any time you perform an action that does not behave as expected, please grab the contents of your error log (Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File) and post it here. Thanks!
As Mitchell said we do not collaborate with any 3rd parties for redistribution. Please uninstall your version of Komodo and install the one offered from our website. If things still don’t work we can take it from there.
Well, I obviously have no idea how I ended up with a repository version of Komodo Edit, but I still had a previously saved backup of Komodo Edit 8.5 … and also downloaded per your suggestions the versions for 9.2 and version 10 of Komodo Edit. Although I was able to install each version separately (never side by side) every one of my template files (including ones from KE 8.5) now has the same mess as with the repository installation of version 10. That one was first deleted of course, before I did any new installations. In order to fix these templates, it would take me anywhere from 1 - 2 full days, given the fact that I have to “fine tooth-comb” through each line of every file.
The only difference between the repository issues and the new installations was the fact that for version 9 the colors were my theme by default … but because of how the templates were screwed up, it was still two colors only, light background with black text.
I managed to find myself another older backup of my template files which were stored as a KPF project file from Komodo Edit version 6. However, I no longer have the installation software for version 6. Would someone please be kind enough to provide me with a link to that version (6) of Komodo Edit? (unless you think that I can import that extremely old KPF file into version 9 of Komodo Edit perhaps?) Using my older KPF would enable me to save quite a few hours of painstaking adjustments since I’d only need to do some global search/replace functions on my old templates in order to update them (again).
I have absolutely no idea what happened. About 3 weeks ago my template files were perfectly fine, and now everything is toast. Nothing on my system changed, except for the fact that I updated from the Ubuntu/Mint repository which ended up being little to no different than the new installations of Komodo Edit 9 and 10. So very very frustrating …
So you are not able to import these templates? Could you share at least one of your templates with us?
I already stated that I was indeed able to import all of the templates, but now they no longer look like the standard html file snippets that they used to be. If you look at one of the screenshots and my very first post, I already explained in detail what’s going on. Every imported template now has “gobbledigook” text at the top as well as on the bottom of each template, and there are " marks all over every template on each line of every template … also partially visible in one of my screen shots. A clean version 6 of Komodo Edit would at least enable me to import my old KPF files. From there it wouldn’t be such a big deal to re-modify my templates.
My templates used to be standard run of the mill HTML code snippets. Now every snippet is in an altered state and no longer appears to be recognized as an HTML snippet. That’s why my theme colors won’t show up either, because as explained earlier somewhere else, my templates no longer appear to be html …
Have you tried to import this “broken” template into the Toolbox? It looks very similar to a toolbox item. (that’s why there are ""
things, "name": ...
, etc.)
Oh man, you’re a friggen’ lifesaver !!! That was the problem. Back in my early days of trying Komodo Edit, I contacted someone in the support area to find out how I can move the toolbox to the left side of the window. Ever since then I’ve used Komodo Edit with everything including my HTML snippets on the left side.
Well, after installing Komodo Edit several times during the past few days, everything still appeared on the left side as before … with the right pane closed as before … and it never dawned on me that it wasn’t the toolbox that I was looking at. So based on your last remark I looked at the default view options which were enabled and that’s when I noticed that I wasn’t even looking at the toolbox.
So I enabled the toolbox, closed my files, changed the pane layout to be as I had it before, and then re-located my snippets that way. Now all of them work correctly and they all show up like they’re supposed to. My custom color theme is gone completely, but that’s not a big deal at all. 5 minutes or so of fiddling and everything will be back to normal. First thing I’m going to do … just in case … is to save my 25 most important snippets as plain text files.
Thanks a million for helping me get it figured out.
Yaaay! Good to know that
Your color scheme may not gone completely, try to find it in the profile folder of previous versions
As I can see you’ve tried to open a kpf file. This should import your template in the toolbox (like when you open a ksf file, Komodo suggest you to apply this file like a color scheme instead of opening it), but it’s not.
I’ve filed a bug for it.
I’m not certain that it should (ie. that this is a mechanic), but it certainly would make sense that it would.
Yeah, would of course. I’m a bit confused with all these “*uld” worlds
Please checkout the ticket that @Defman filed. I need the person actually experiencing the issue to participate in the issue.
Alright, thanks, and where do I find this ticket for me to participate with?
@Defman … actually no, I guess the answers are getting a bit convoluted now. With Komodo Edit 5 and 6 the KPF files were used by me. Eventually I switched to individual templates that were saved in the toolbox, either with version 7 or version 8 of Komodo Edit, don’t remember exactly which of the two. Since then I’ve used nothing but my templates in the toolbox which were always located by default on the left side … automatically … after each upgrade. Perhaps using Linux has something to do with that? Can’t be certain though …
Apparently what happened with the upgrade to version 10, as well as the clean installations of versions 8 and 9 after I dumped version 10, somehow my toolbox was no longer automatically integrated on the left side of my window as before, but instead I received a view of the new/improved project manager … ??? Guessing …
That explains why I was able to locate my files there, without actually being able to use them as anticipated.
The colors are working fine, now that I switched back to the toolbox with my templates in them. It’s just my personal theme that appears to have vanished. I’ll look tomorrow in the profile section and see what’s there. Have to go for now, will be back tomorrow. Thanks again everyone !!!
This is here, but I think it’s gonna be closed because it’s not valid?
There is no new improved project manager. Nothing has changed in projects or the toolbox in quite a while. Could you provide a screenshot? It sounds like you’re talking about Places and the Project pane (View > Tabs & Sidebars > Places) which have been around since Komodo 5.
Note that a *.kpf
file is a Komodo project file. It’s not a template file. Any template (called snippets in Komodo) should have a *.komodotool
file extension. Komodo project files can “hold” snippets in JSON format inside them which are unpacked and dropped into a .komodotools
folder in your project root and are accessible in the Toolbox (View > Tabs & Sidebars > Toolbox) in a folder of your projects name.
Here is a link to download Komodo 6:
I see you asked for that a few times. Not sure if you still need it. Sounds like you don’t any more.
Thank you, careyh and everyone else. I wasn’t able to import any color settings from any profile that I could find on my Linux setup, but as far as I’m concerned the problem has been solved. By “New & Improved Project Manager” I was just being facitious because of how Komodo Edit changed things all by itself which then fooled me into thinking that my installed Komodo Edit would appear as it always had … without the project manager open. Since that literally hasn’t happened in years, I was left to assume that something had changed specifically with the Project Manager, thus causing it to be open by default while my normally open Toolbox “disappeared” as it was no longer open for me to see. Creatures of habit we are, and I let myself get fooled by my own habits.
In summary, whatever quirks were going on had IMO nothing to do with the repository updates since I was able to duplicate the quirks identically with clean installs of Komodo Edit 8.5 through 10. Somewhere along the line “something” happened which caused my always open Toolbox on the left side of the screen to no longer be visible at that location at all … instead being replaced by the Project Manager pane which I haven’t used in years … this of course also being the default location for the Project Manager in the first place.
I think it’s going to be quite some time before I upgrade again, we’ll see. The fact that my color theme simply vanished completely after the clean installation from the downloaded files tells me that whatever settings I had configured previously were simply overwritten. I know that in the World of software creation this is unheard of, but every once in awhile a product is simply as good as it’s going to ever get. I don’t see how Komodo Edit can ever be improved any further. IT’S THE BEST OF THE BEST and I say that after seriously messing around with dozens of Editors over the past 20 years. I’m just not a coding guru or platform developer who’d ever be able to reap the benefits of the “zillions” of mind boggling features that are all contained within Komodo Edit. So many features that it’s downright intimidating (for some of us). The notion of using something even more advanced, such as Komodo IDE, is simply inconceivable to me.
From now on I promise to open my eyes and take a better look after updating Komodo, to make sure that I know specifically which panes are open before I start believing that my templates are wiped out. I’ll say this though, if Komodo Edit had not changed the theme colors on me after the updates or new installations, then I more than likely would have paid more attention. But by having a theme that looked so radically different from what I used before, it was easy for me (or anyone else?) to assume that everything had changed, and not just the colors.
Ah well, live and learn! Kudos to all of you on the developement team!
Feel free to add this to github since I’m not going to sign up anywhere for a single one time use. Referring to the last comment made there:
cgchoffman commented 2 days ago
@freejack, when you see this, what I need from you is the original *.kpf file that was working as you expected before things blew up on you.
Please refer to comment #22 on this post to see exactly what was going on. The issue has in hindsight nothing to do with .KPF project files at all … What broke my update? - #28 by freejack … but the confusion of what schould NOT have happened (IMO) remains.
When an individual uses custom configured software on their machine which never changes its appearance over a prolonged period of time, then it’s only common sense (IMO) that if an update creates massive VISUAL changes such as using a radically different looking theme or swapping work panes, this could lead to massive confusion (for some).
That’s really the problem in a nutshell … After updating to version 10 of Komodo Edit, my Desktop appeared with a completely different dark (instead of customized light) theme, and the toolbox pane which I had configured to be on the left side by default years ago, was suddenly gone and replaced with the project manager pane instead. This happened later on with fresh installations of Komodo Edit 9 and 10 as well. Such a massive VISUAL CHANGE (which actually didn’t cause for anything to be literally broken) is enough to make a user think that something is very wrong. But that’s really all that apparently happened. There’s no KPF project file problem. It was strictly a visual problem with my custom theme and the toolbox pane not showing up automatically (at all) after upgrading.
Perhaps this should be another type of ticket … themes & pane locations … ???
Hope this helps.
Note that many of the issues you seemed to have were related to the UX/UI changes, which were unavoidable as we simply had to reset certain preferences to ensure the stability of Komodo. This is not something that will happen again any time soon, if at all. So upgrading in the future should have far less friction.
Settings are never overwritten when you update, they are copied over and then “upgraded”. You will always be able to access your old settings either through an older install of Komodo or by navigating to the profile folder.
Challenge accepted! But thank you! Glad that despite your issues you are happy with our software Note that whatever changes we make we always make it a point to cater to the users who might prefer the “old ways”, a good example of this is all the classic and platform settings under Preferences > Appearance in Komodo X.
I never thought I’d say this: but don’t ever try Komodo IDE if you think Edit has too many features … I will say we implement our features in a way that they are there if you need them, but don’t get in your face about it.
I apologize for the confusion, but once again this is unlikely to happen again. Komodo X made big changes to the UI exactly because we wanted something more stable and future-proof.
Thank you! And thank you for taking the time to simply write your thoughts down! Very much appreciated! I wish more people would do it