Russian translate / localization is here

Nathan, I still worth the wait Komodo IDE?

I’m checking internally, will get back to you asap.

Новая версия 0.11. Исправлена ошибка из-за которой не отображались некоторые пункты меню у вкладок. Исправлено несколько опечаток. Переведён менеджер дополнений. И по-прежнему только для Komodo Edit.

[New version 0.11.] 1 Fixed a bug due to which not display some menu items in tabs. Fixed some typos. Translated Add-ons Manager. And still only Komodo Edit.

Repository will be updated soon.
UPD: Repository updated successfully.
Also please give for next build version 1.2 or 1.1.1 :smiley: I have some version control problems if you continue giving 0.X or 0.X.X versions for your builds.

Новая версия 1.12 :slight_smile: Переведена основная часть строк дополнений “Places” и “OpenFiles”. Добавлена иконка :slight_smile: Версии теперь будут нумероваться более понятно: 1.13, 1.14 … 2.01, 2.02. По-прежнему только для Komodo Edit.

[New Version 1.12] 1 :slight_smile: Translated most of the lines of add-ons “Places” and “OpenFiles”. Added icon :slight_smile: Versions are numbered now better understood: 1.13, 1.14 … 2.01, 2.02. And still only Komodo Edit.

Give for @Laborpago 2 cups of coffee and IDE license!

I prefer tea, if you please :slight_smile:

fixed :smiley:

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Русская локализация 0.05 для Komodo IDE 8.5.3 :slight_smile: Тестовая версия. В ней могут встретиться неточности перевода и откровенные ляпы. Сообщайте, если обнаружите таковые.

[Russian localization 0.05] 1 for Komodo IDE 8.5.3 :slight_smile: Test version. It may contain an incorrect translation. Please report if you find any.

You can translate “Push” as “Отправить”. I’m try to find analogs for word “Checkout” in Russian language. When I get more time - I’m continue find typos in translation.

Major update v2.0.
Big, very very very very very big thanks @nathanr for make our sources valid for Mozilla translation system.
Why major update? Because we start supporting Komodo Edit 9 (IDE will be soon, at now there are no Komodo Edit 9, but why not start support?).
Works in Edit 8 too (if Naatan not lie).
+ - add
~ - fix/change
- (minus) - remove.
+Add list of languages in Appearance tab
+Add support for Komodo 9
~Fix install.rdf [1]
[1]~Fix id
[1]+Add <em:translator>
[1]~Change add-on type to 2 (will be remove after Komodo 9 release. Russian language will be part of editor?).
-Remove icon (skin folder was removed)

Крупное обновление v2.0.
Огромнейшее спасибо @nathanr за то, что сделал наши исходники правильными (переделал их под Mozilla translation system). Смена версии произошла из-за начала официальной поддержки Komodo Edit 9 (IDE будет позже, на данный момент самого редактора Edit 9 нет).
Работает в Komodo Edit 8 (Если Нейтен не врет).
Список изменеий:
 + - добавлено
 ~ - исправлено/изменено
- (минус) - удалено
+Добавлен список языков во вкладку
+Add support for Komodo 9 Appearance
~Поправлен install.rdf [1]
[1]~Изменен id
[1]+Добавлены <em:translator>
[1]~Тип аддона изменен на 2 (Будет удалено после релиза Komodo 9. Русский язык будет частью редактора по-умолчанию?).
-Удалена иконка (папка skin удалена)
Андрей, не забудь скачать новые исходники. Теперь надо работать по ним.

ой-йо… Я проверю, что вы там наделали :slight_smile:
oh… I’ll check what you’ve done :slight_smile:

Мы просто распределили все по папкам в соответствии с Mozilla translation system.
We are just sort all by folders as want Mozilla translation system.

Это работает? Ты проверял?
But is not working. Or am I doing something wrong.
Sorry, i found pref locale switcher. Its working on edit.
But crashing ide.
IDE and EDIT can not be combined, there are different files.

Not sure what the lead up was to this, but the code I committed has a pref switcher under Prefs > Appearance > Interface > Language

Of course it cannot be combined. There are a lot of strings in IDE that doesn’t has Edit.

Okay guys, explain to me why need to use Moz Transl Sys here, if still for each version of Komodo to do their own version of the localization, if still changing version Komodo crash occurs? Only in order to switch the language? But it can be done simply by turning off the addon. I’m really trying to understand, honestly.

At the moment there is no strong case for or against it, I was under the impression that the Mozilla localization system would fall back on the default language but apparently it does not.

That said I do not see any reason why you would “not” use the localization system (ie. using overrides has no advantage over using the proper localization mechanic), and I see a few smaller advantages of using the localization system (compatibility for one). So I really don’t see why you wouldn’t want to embrace it.

We would like to implement a fallback in the future, which will depend on the Mozilla localization also, so best to be forwards compatible.

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I do not understand this sentence. You can write in more detail about this?

Because then I would have to alter (change \ rebuild) my program to do. It takes time, which I have little. If I worked for you, then of course I would spend time on it. But for now - I need to think about it. Не знаю, как перевести “поразмыслить” :smile:

Можно как “I do some hard thinking about this” - Мне необходимо поразмыслить об этом/Я призадумаюсь над этим в зависимости от контекста.