I get bad remote file names (with Edit or IDE)

Hello Support,

I have moved today from Mojave/KomodoEdit6.1 to Catalina/KomodoEdit12.0

Unfortunately when i use the new version of KomodoEdit I have no more access to remote files on the remote server because a date is appended to files names.
Komodo is still able to access the remote directory using the default path (/home/www/htdocs) and it is still able to list the directory content. So the communication with the server is OK.
The problem is : the name of files or subdirectories listed are not correct !
A date/time appears before the expected name.

Do you know how to fix that ?

Here is a screen dump showing the problem.
Capture d’écran 2024-01-16 à 16.50.04

For example, as you can see:
i get a time and a name such as “11:13 wapiSnif” instead of what i am expecting “wapiSnif”
or i get a year and a name such as “2015 callnshare” instead of “callnshare”

If have searched on a remote terminal and it appears to me that the appended date is corresponding to the previous field of the filename in the ls command !!!
Below is what I can collect from a terminal on the remote server:

ls -al |grep -e wapiSnif -e callnshare

drwxrwxr-x 5 www www 4096 27 nov. 2015 callnshare
drwxr-xr-x 6 www www 4096 7 nov. 11:13 wapiSnif

Thank you for helping.

Hey @eric, I’m really not sure what this could be but some info that might be helpful is what your connection config is for anyone that might have a setup to try to reproduce the issue.

Also, I’d be curious if you can reproduce it in Komodo IDE.

Hey Carey, Yes I have the same issue with Komodo IDE 12.
It seems that it is probably a parsing issue of collected remote information.
Seeing that it is possible to edit the remote file I guess that the connection is OK (it is the same that I was using with Edit 6).
If I specify the file name or the file path name manually in the File name field I can open it.
If I clic on the wrongly formatted file name or dir name, I can’t
Capture d’écran 2024-01-19 à 08.37.58

In the pystderr.log file I get:
[2024-01-19 08:04:32,389] [WARNING] koRemoteFileInfo: Unknown date in line: ‘drwxr-xr-x 51 www www 4096 17 janv. 12:58 /home/www/htdocs’
Maybe Komodo Edit parser is no more able to parse a French date !

The parsing seems OK till the file size.
For example, the size of index.php file is effectively 6239 bytes long.
But after the size field parsing, I suppose a bug in parsing the date part just before the file name.
Maybe because French and English date fields are not in the same order. Stuff like “17 janv. 12:58” in french rather than “jan 17 12:58” in english. (day month rather than month day)

Hey Carey,
I’ve made progress on characterizing the issue.
It appears that komodo edit/ide no longer supports month names in French locale.
Issues are:

  • french month name (example: Avril not expected)
  • french accents (example: Févr not expected)
  • dot at end of abbreviated french mont (example Nov. not expected)

The file causing the issue is: koRemoteFileInfo.py

I isolated the problem using the following unit test: (run using: python -m unittest -v ed4carey)
You can reproduce the issue easily and look at logs (unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log file)
Content of ed4carey.py

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

import unittest
import datetime
import os
import time
import stat
import re
import logging
from string import digits as string_digits
from string import ascii_lowercase

#import strptime

# Regex parsers for processing directory listings
re_parse_unix_ftp_line     = re.compile(r'^.([+rwxXstugo-]*)\s+(.*?\s+.*?\s+.*?)\s*(\d*?)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\d:]+)\s(.*)$')
re_parse_unix_ftp_line_alt = re.compile(r'^.([+rwxXstugo-]*)\s+(.*?\s+.*?\s+.*?)\s+(\d*?)(\s+)([\d-]+)\s+([\d:]+)\s(.*)$')
re_parse_dos_ftp_line      = re.compile(r'^(..-..-..\s+..:....)\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)$')

log = logging.getLogger('koRemoteFileInfo')

logging.basicConfig(filename='unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log', encoding='utf-8', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('New unit test started ================================= %s ====================================', datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

# koRemoteFileInfo will store information about a remote file/directory.
# This includes permissions, file type, size and path.
class koRemoteFileInfo:
    """Remote file information"""
#    _com_interfaces_ = [components.interfaces.koIRemoteFileInfo]
    _reg_desc_ = "Komodo Remote File Info"
    _reg_contractid_ = "@activestate.com/koRemoteFileInfo;1"
    _reg_clsid_ = "{de59c592-44b5-44c6-aa15-b9c6059416be}"
    # d - if the entry is a directory
    # b - if the entry is a block type special file
    # c - if the entry is a character type special file
    # l - if the entry is a symbolic link
    # s - if the entry is a socket
    # - - if the entry is a plain file
    _possible_first_chars_for_unix_listing = ("-", "d", "l", "s", "b", "c")
    _3char_month_names = ["jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun",
    # Encoding is used when encoding is not UTF8 compatible
    encoding = ''
    link_target = None

    def __init__(self):
        # Not all these may be set, depending upon the remote OS and it's
        # server implementation. They will be given defaults in these cases.
        self.log = log
        self.path     = ''      # Full path to the file
        self.filename = ''      # Just the name of the file without directory
        self.dirname  = ''      # The directory the file is help within
        self.st_size  = '0'
        self.st_uid   = ''
        self.st_gid   = ''
        self.st_mode  = 0L
        self.st_mtime = 0L
        self.children = []
        self.lastListedTime = 0
        self.originalIsSymlink = False
            # symlink mode bit gets cleared by _followSymlink

    # Boolean checker methods
    def isFile(self):
        return stat.S_ISREG(self.st_mode)
    def isDirectory(self):
        return stat.S_ISDIR(self.st_mode)
    def isSymlink(self):
        return stat.S_ISLNK(self.st_mode)

    # For read and write permissions we do not know which group the user belongs
    # to, so we combine all of the u/g/o permissions and if one of these are
    # read/writeable, then we assume the user has read/write permissions.
    # http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=76018
    ANY_READABLE  = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH
    ANY_WRITEABLE = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH
    def isReadable(self):
        return (self.st_mode & self.ANY_READABLE)
    def isWriteable(self):
        return (self.st_mode & self.ANY_WRITEABLE)

    def isExecutable(self):
        return (self.st_mode & stat.S_IEXEC) == stat.S_IEXEC
    def isHidden(self): # Hmmm...
        # XXX - Whats hidden for, how is it used??
        return 0
    def needsDirectoryListing(self):
        # Must be a directory that has not had it's children set
        return (self.isDirectory() and not self.lastListedTime)

    # Getter methods
    def getFilepath(self):
        return self.path
    def getEncoding(self):
        return self.encoding
    def getFilename(self):
        return self.filename
    def getDirname(self):
        return self.dirname
    def getLinkTarget(self):
        return self.link_target
    def getFileSize(self):
        return self.st_size
    def getModifiedTime(self):
        return self.st_mtime
    def getChildren(self):
        return self.children
    def getTimeRefreshed(self):
        return self.lastListedTime

    # Setter methods
    def setChildren(self, children):
        self.children = children
        self.lastListedTime = time.time()
    def setLinkTarget(self, link_target):
        self.link_target = link_target
    def setMode(self, mode):
        self.st_mode = mode

    def _join_path(self, dirname, filename):
            if dirname and dirname[-1] == '/':
                return dirname + filename
                return dirname + '/' + filename

    # Internal for class usage
    def _setpathinfo(self, dirname, filename, link_target=None):
        # The basename of "/" is the empty string "" - which is not wanted.
        if filename != "/":
            filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        if filename not in ('', '/', '~', '~/', '.', './'):
            self.path = self._join_path(dirname, filename)
            self.dirname = dirname
            self.dirname = filename
            self.path = filename
        self.filename = filename
        if link_target:
            if link_target[0] in ('/', '~'):
                # Absolute path
                self.link_target = link_target
                # Relative path
                self.link_target = self._join_path(self.dirname, link_target)

    # Initializers
    # Init from file attributes, same as used by the stat and os modules
    def initFromStats(self, dirname, filename, size, uid, gid, mode, mtime):
        self._setpathinfo(dirname, filename)
        self.st_size  = size
        self.st_uid   = uid
        self.st_gid   = gid
        self.st_mode  = mode
        self.st_mtime = mtime
        #if self.log.level >= logging.DEBUG:
        #    self.log.debug("initFromStats: %s", str(self))
        self.log.debug("initFromStats: %s", self)

    # Init from raw ftp directory listing
    def initFromDirectoryListing(self, dirname, line):
        mode = 0
        isSymlink = False
        self.dirname = dirname
        link_target = None

        if not line:
            log.debug("initFromDirectoryListing: No line to process!")
            return False

        # Check the first character of the listing is a unix style
        if line[0] in self._possible_first_chars_for_unix_listing:

            # UNIX-style listing, without inum and without blocks */
            #   "-rw-r--r--   1 root     other        531 Jan 29 03:26 README" */
            #   "dr-xr-xr-x   2 root     other        512 Apr  8  1994 etc" */
            #   "dr-xr-xr-x   2 root     512 Apr  8  1994 etc" */
            #   "lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          7 Jan 25 00:17 bin -> usr/bin" */
            # Note that UNIX-style listings can use names that contain a space:
            #   "-rw-------  1 incognito.guy Domain Users 11420 2011-12-29 18:51 .bash_history"
            # Also produced by Microsoft's FTP servers for Windows: */
            #   "----------   1 owner    group         1803128 Jul 10 10:18 ls-lR.Z" */
            #   "d---------   1 owner    group               0 May  9 19:45 Softlib" */
            # Also WFTPD for MSDOS: */
            #   "-rwxrwxrwx   1 noone    nogroup      322 Aug 19  1996 message.ftp" */
            # Also NetWare: */
            #   "d [R----F--] supervisor            512       Jan 16 18:53    login" */
            #   "- [R----F--] rhesus             214059       Oct 20 15:27    cx.exe" */
            # Also NetPresenz and Rumpus on the Mac: */
            #   "-------r--         326  1391972  1392298 Nov 22  1995 MegaPhone.sit" */
            #   "drwxrwxr-x               folder        2 May 10  1996 network" */

            # We used to regex on the line, but that is too slow, now we just
            # use split() and do our best with that.
            fi = line.split(None, 7)
            if len(fi) == 7 and fi[1] == "folder":
                # NetPresenz and Rumpus folder format
                fi = fi[:1] + ["", ""] + fi[2:]

            # First char dictates the type of file
            if line[0] == "d":
                mode |= stat.S_IFDIR    # directory
            elif line[0] == "-":
                mode |= stat.S_IFREG    # regular file
            elif line[0] == "l":
                mode |= stat.S_IFLNK    # symlink
                isSymlink = True
            elif line[0] == "s":
                mode |= stat.S_IFSOCK    # socket
            elif line[0] == "b":
                mode |= stat.S_IFBLK    # block type (special file)
            elif line[0] == "c":
                mode |= stat.S_IFCHR    # character type (special file)
                mode |= stat.S_IFREG    # unknown
                #self.log.debug("THIS IS A SYMLINK!!!")
            # we unfortunately dont know if we are owner or group member, so guess again
            mode_str = fi[0]
            # Determine the file permissions, i.e. from the line "drwxr-xr-x"
            if mode_str[1:2] == "r": mode |= stat.S_IRUSR
            if mode_str[2:3] == "w": mode |= stat.S_IWUSR
            if mode_str[3:4] == "x": mode |= stat.S_IXUSR
            elif mode_str[3:4] == "s": mode |= (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_ISUID)
            elif mode_str[3:4] == "S": mode |= stat.S_ISUID
            if mode_str[4:5] == "r": mode |= stat.S_IRGRP
            if mode_str[5:6] == "w": mode |= stat.S_IWGRP
            if mode_str[6:7] == "x": mode |= stat.S_IXGRP
            elif mode_str[6:7] == "s": mode |= (stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_ISGID)
            elif mode_str[6:7] == "S": mode |= stat.S_ISGID
            if mode_str[7:8] == "r": mode |= stat.S_IROTH
            if mode_str[8:9] == "w": mode |= stat.S_IWOTH
            if mode_str[9:10] == "x": mode |= stat.S_IXOTH
            elif mode_str[9:10] == "t": mode |= (stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_ISVTX)
            elif mode_str[9:10] == "T": mode |= stat.S_ISVTX

            # Deal with spaces in the user or group names - bug .
            if fi[4] and fi[4][0].lower() in ascii_lowercase and \
               fi[5] and fi[5][0] in string_digits and \
               fi[7] and fi[7][0] in string_digits and \
               " " in fi[7] and \
               fi[3] and fi[3][0].lower() in ascii_lowercase and \
               fi[2] and fi[2][0].lower() in ascii_lowercase:
                while len(fi) >= 8:
                    fi[3] += fi.pop(5)
                    fi = fi[:6] + fi[6].split(None, 1)
                    if fi[5] and fi[5][0] in string_digits:

            if fi[4].lower() in self._3char_month_names:
                # Not enough fields, pad it out.
                fi.insert(1, "")
            if fi[4]: self.st_size = fi[4] # File size

            # Work out the date
                # Date is in fi[5], check it's format. I.e
                #   "Nov 30"
                #   "2005-11-30"
                #   "26 fev"
                # to see if we have a time, or a year?
                guessedYear = False
                if fi[5] and (fi[5][0] not in string_digits or
                              (len(fi[6]) == 3 and fi[6][0] not in string_digits)):
                    if " " in fi[7] and fi[7][0] in string_digits:
                        # Requires the filename field to be split up:
                        fi = fi[:1] + fi[2:7] + fi[7].split(None, 1)
                    if len(fi) == 9:
                    month,day,year = fi[4:7]

                    # Some locales swap the day and the month, i.e. french:
                    #   "26 fev 22:00", bug 88866.
                    if month and month[0] in string_digits and \
                       day and day not in string_digits:
                        day, month = month, day

                    if year.find(":") > -1:
                        hour = year
                        # fix time to be 5 digit always
                        year = "%d"%(time.gmtime(time.time())[0])
                        guessedYear = True
                        hour = "00:00"

                    if len(day) < 2: day = "0"+day
                    if len(hour) < 5: hour = "0"+hour
                    date = "%s %s %s %s" % (month, day, year, hour)
                        # Note: This can fail due to locale differences between
                        #       the client and server, as time.strptime uses the
                        #       locale for converting the fields. If this does
                        #       fail, we give it one other chance using default
                        #       English as the locale setting. See bug:
                        # http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=62638
                        t = time.strptime(date, '%b %d %Y %H:%M')
                    except Exception, e:     # Error parsing the date field
                        # Try using internal strptime, with ENGLISH setting
                        t = strptime.strptime(date, '%b %d %Y %H:%M')
                    sp = fi[5].split('-', 2)
                    if len(sp) == 3:
                        # 2005-11-30 format
                        year, month, day = sp
                        hour = fi[6]
                        date = "%s %s %s %s" % (year, month, day, hour)
                        t = time.strptime(date, '%Y %m %d %H:%M')
                        raise Exception("Uknown date")

                self.st_mtime = time.mktime(t)
                if guessedYear:
                    # Bug 81475.
                    # If the time is more than a day ahead, set it back one
                    # year. For example, we recieved: "Dec 31 23:29", but
                    # if today's date is "March 18 2009", then the year should
                    # actually be 2008, otherwise the date is in the future...
                    # A date too far ahead is defined as two days greater than
                    # the current local machine time (> 99% correct).
                    if self.st_mtime >= time.time() + (2 * 60 * 60 * 24):
                        t = list(t)
                        t[0] -= 1
                        self.st_mtime = time.mktime(t)

            except Exception, e:     # Error parsing the date field
                #print "\n%s" % e
                self.log.warn("Unknown date in line: '%s'" % (line))
                self.st_mtime = 0   # Unknown date, 1970 it is!

            if isSymlink:
                filename, link_target = fi[7].split(" -> ")
                #self.log.debug("Symlink %s -> %s", filename, link_target)
                filename = fi[7]

        else: # msdos style lines
            fig = re_parse_dos_ftp_line.search(line)
            # Examples:
            #   "03-07-06  11:39AM            598917120 photos.tar"
            #   "07-03-06  10:19AM       <DIR>          home"
            if not fig:
                log.debug("initFromDirectoryListing: Regex does not match for the given input: '%s'", line)
                return False
            fi = fig.groups()
            # we simply don't know, so say yes!

            mode |= stat.S_IREAD
            mode |= stat.S_IWRITE
            mode |= stat.S_IEXEC
            # mode |= stat.S_IFDIR    # directory
            mode |= stat.S_IFREG    # regular file
            # mode |= stat.S_IFLNK    # symlink

            if str(fi[1][:5]) == '<DIR>':
                # this is a directory
                mode |= stat.S_IFDIR    # directory
                mode -= stat.S_IFREG    # regular file
                self.st_size = '0'
                self.st_size = fi[1]

                #t = time.strptime(fi[0],'%m-%d-%y  %I:%M%p')
                    # Note: This can fail due to locale differences between
                    #       the client and server, as time.strptime uses the
                    #       locale for converting the fields. If this does
                    #       fail, we give it one other chance using default
                    #       English as the locale setting. See bug:
                    # http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=62638
                    t = time.strptime(fi[0],'%m-%d-%y  %I:%M%p')
                except Exception, e:     # Error parsing the date field
                    # Try using internal strptime, with ENGLISH setting
                    t = strptime.strptime(fi[0],'%m-%d-%y  %I:%M%p')
                #print "date trans: ",repr(t)
                self.st_time = time.mktime(t)
            except Exception, e:     # Error parsing the date field
                #print "\n%s" % e
                self.log.warn("Unknown date in line: '%s'" % (line))
                self.st_mtime = 0   # Unknown date, 1970 it is!

            filename = fi[2]
        #print "filename:", filename
        self.st_mode = mode
        # Set the full path
        # XXX - Windows/DOS filenames break ??
        self._setpathinfo(dirname, filename, link_target)
        #self.log.debug("initFromDirectoryListing: %s", self)
        return True

    # Readonly attributes
    def get_size(self):
        return self.st_size
    def get_mode(self):
        return self.st_mode
    def get_uid(self):
        return self.st_uid
    def get_gid(self):
        return self.st_gid
    def get_mtime(self):
        return self.st_mtime

    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        if self.isDirectory():
            s += "D"
        if self.isFile():
            s += "F"
        if self.isReadable():
            s += "r"
        if self.isWriteable():
            s += "w"
        if self.isSymlink():
            return "%s (link -> %s) m:%s sz:%r c:%r %s fp:'%s'" % (self.filename, self.link_target, s, self.st_size, len(self.children), time.asctime(time.localtime(self.st_mtime)), self.path)
            return "%s m:%s sz:%r c:%r %s fp:'%s'" % (self.filename, s, self.st_size, len(self.children), time.asctime(time.localtime(self.st_mtime)), self.path)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

class TestKomodoRemoteFileInfoParsing(unittest.TestCase):

    def _makeKoRemoteFileInfo(self):
#        rf = components.classes[''].\
#                    createInstance(components.interfaces.koIRemoteFileInfo)
        rf = koRemoteFileInfo()
        return rf

    def test_english_parsing(self):
    # Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed
        lists = [
                'drwxr-xr-x   18 179      666          4096 Oct 10 15:38 Python-2.3.4',
                '-rw-r--r--    1 501      501       8502738 Oct 10 15:31 Python-2.3.4.tgz',
                'srwxrwxr-x    1 500      500             0 Sep 15 22:31 MQSeries.1147',
                '-rw-r--r--  1 nobody  nogroup   179302 Nov 15 15:52 pdf',
                '-rw-r--r--  1 nobody  nogroup      555 Nov  7 14:26 pdf.txt',
                "-rw-r--r--   1 root     other        531 Jan 29 03:26 README",
                "dr-xr-xr-x   2 root     other        512 Apr  8 1994  etc",
                "dr-xr-xr-x   2 root     other        512 Apr  8  1994 lib",
                "lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          7 Jan 25 00:17 bin -> usr/bin",
                "----------   1 owner    group         1803128 Jul 10 10:18 ls-lR.Z",
                "d---------   1 owner    group               0 May  9 19:45 Softlib",
                "-rwxrwxrwx   1 noone    nogroup      322 Aug 19  1996 message.ftp",
        for l in lists:
            fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
            result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
            logging.info('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)
            #print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
            self.failIf(fileinfo.st_mtime == 0, "Failed to parse: %r" % (l, ))

    def test_french_month_parsing(self):
    # Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed ... or not (I get them using: ssh root@vps1 'ls -al /home/www/htdocs')
        lists = [
                'drwxr-xr-x 13 www  www     4096  9 avril  2020 wapiVote',
        fail = 0
        for l in lists:
            fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
            result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
            if fileinfo.st_mtime == 0:
                fail = 1
                logging.debug('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)

            #print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
            self.failIf(fail == 1, "Failed to parse: see log file unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log")

    def test_french_accent_parsing(self):
    # Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed ... or not (I get them using: ssh root@vps1 'ls -al /home/www/htdocs')
        lists = [
                'drwxr-xr-x 13 www  www     4096 15 févr.  2017 wapiGame',
                '-rw-r--r--  1 www  www      137 17 déc.   2016 index.php',
        fail = 0
        for l in lists:
            fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
            result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
            if fileinfo.st_mtime == 0:
                fail = 1
                logging.debug('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)

            #print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
        self.failIf(fail == 1, "Failed to parse: see log file unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log")

    def test_french_dot_parsing(self):
    # Test other listing formats to ensure they get parsed ... or not (I get them using: ssh root@vps1 'ls -al /home/www/htdocs')
        lists = [
                'drwxr-xr-x 14 www  www     4096 23 nov.  13:02 wapiImmo',
        fail = 0
        for l in lists:
            fileinfo = self._makeKoRemoteFileInfo()
            result = fileinfo.initFromDirectoryListing("testingdir", l)
            if fileinfo.st_mtime == 0:
                fail = 1
                logging.debug('file name: "%s" file size: %s file time:%s',fileinfo.filename, fileinfo.st_size, fileinfo.st_mtime)

            #print("p=",fileinfo.path," f=",fileinfo.filename," d=",fileinfo.dirname," s=",fileinfo.st_size," u=",fileinfo.st_uid," g=",fileinfo.st_gid," m=",fileinfo.st_mode," t=",fileinfo.st_mtime)
            self.failIf(fail == 1, "Failed to parse: see log file unittest_koRemoteFileInfo.log")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Amazing digging @eric,

I should have set expectations earlier. Komodo IDE and Edit have been retired for a couple years now. ActiveState no longer makes changes to the code, provides support or creates new builds for either IDE or Edit. The Komodo IDE code base is now open source here ActiveState/OpenKomodoIDE.

Having said that, if you’ve found the fix, you could:

  1. Fork the OpenKomodoIDE repo and make and commit your changes in your fork then share your repo back here.
  2. Then, apply the changes manually to your installed instance of Komodo.

You could of course just do point 2 as well.

Appologies that the fix can’t come from us.

  • Carey

Hello Carey,

  1. I have submitted the fix to the repo (branch ericwanadoo-patch-issue20).
  2. No way for me to build the mozilla part on catalina OS version (to many compilation problems).
    So I can’t build a komodo version with the fix.
  3. Is there a way to patch the installed komodo edit 12 version installed on my mac manually ?
    Maybe I can change the file koRemoteFileInfo.py in /Applications/Komodo Edit 12.app/Contents/Resources/components/
    In this situation, I suppose that I will have to change the code signature in the CodeResources file … but I don’t know what to do in order to generate a new key for koRemoteFileInfo.py reflecting the fix
    Do you have tips ?

Morning @eric,

Yes, as I said, you’ll want to apply these changes directly to your install. Building Komodo fresh is likely not even possible at this point.

And yep, if the broken code you found and patched is in koRemoteFileInfo.py then you can change it manually. If you have a proper diff of the code, you could use a diff tool to apply the changes. I’ve done that in the past using git diff apply (or whatever the command is…it’s been a while).

I just wrote a whole long thing explaining where you can find more information about code signing and that it may still not work even if you get it figured out…then I remembered we fixed an issue around code signing and it had a workaround while we addressed it in our build system. Here’s the ticket with a comment with the command to run. I haven’t confirmed that still works. I don’t have a Mac to try this on.

  • Carey