No way to change the Track Changes colors

Hi there, I’m using Komodo Edit 10.1.1 and I can’t find any way to change the Track Changes colors. I’m guessing they’re meant to be changed under Tools>Color Scheme Editor>Interface>Source Code Control, but after applying changes the red, blue, and green colors are unaffected. All the other interface colors can be changed but these three stay the same no matter what. Am I doing something wrong? Many thanks in advance.

Hi, did you make sure you applied the change to “Editor”? You may also have to open and close the file to see the new colors.

Thanks for the reply. I have applied changes, saved changes, and restarted. Color change is unaffected.
Also, the green appearing in the editor is much lighter than the green in the color scheme editor.
Komodo IDE works fine.

You are correct. Komodo IDE allows color changes, but Komodo Edit does not. I will log a bug.