How can I get the go to definition feature to work with a remote server?

Hallo, I made a project for editing php files on a ftp server. That works well. I can open and edit files without problems. But if I want go to a definition I always get those errors in the notifications:
evaluating ‘QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER’ at reservation.php#29: could not resolve first part of ‘QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER’ (error determining definition)
Wed Jun 08 2016 18:33:09 GMT+0200
evaluating ‘ExistingReservationPage’ at reservation.php#31: could not resolve first part of ‘ExistingReservationPage’ (error determining definition)
Wed Jun 08 2016 18:47:13 GMT+0200

When I set a local directory as project base directory it works. How can I get the go to definition feature to work with a remote server?

Would you please share the full contents of your error log? Either here or in a gist ( You can view the log by going to Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File. Thanks!

[2016-06-08 19:04:25,224] [ERROR] koCodeIntel:     INFO: eval 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER' at reservation.php#29  <Trigger 'php-defn-defn' at 1017 (explicit)>
    INFO: start scope is (<blob 'reservation.php'>, [])
    INFO: _hit_from_citdl:: expr: 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER', scoperef: (<blob 'reservation.php'>, [])
    INFO: _hit_from_citdl:: expr tokens: ['QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER']
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: find 'QueryStringKeys ...' starting at (<blob 'reservation.php'>, []):
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: scoperef now (<blob 'reservation.php'>, []):
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: checking namespace aliases
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: module: 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php', symbol: None, alias: None
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: module: 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php', symbol: None, alias: None
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: module: 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php', symbol: None, alias: None
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: pt3: is 'QueryStringKeys' accessible on (<blob 'reservation.php'>, [])? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Checking imports, tokens[0]: 'QueryStringKeys' ... imp_elem: <blob 'reservation.php'>
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: import 'QueryStringKeys ...' from <import Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php>?
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php' from <PHP curdirlib>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php' from <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php' from <php-7.0 stdlib>? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Failed import: Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: import 'QueryStringKeys ...' from <import Pages/NewReservationPage.php>?
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php' from <PHP curdirlib>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php' from <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php' from <php-7.0 stdlib>? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Failed import: Pages/NewReservationPage.php
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: import 'QueryStringKeys ...' from <import Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php>?
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php' from <PHP curdirlib>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php' from <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php' from <php-7.0 stdlib>? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Failed import: Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: trying import everything: tokens: ['QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER']
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: trying with lpath: ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER')
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER') in <PHP curdirlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER') in <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER') in <php-7.0 stdlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: no matches found
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: trying with lpath: ('QueryStringKeys',)
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys',) in <PHP curdirlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys',) in <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys',) in <php-7.0 stdlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: no matches found
    ERROR: evaluating 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER' at reservation.php#29: could not resolve first part of 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER'
[2016-06-08 19:04:25,302] [ERROR] koCodeIntel:     INFO: eval 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER' at reservation.php#29  <Trigger 'php-defn-defn' at 1029 (explicit)>
    INFO: start scope is (<blob 'reservation.php'>, [])
    INFO: _hit_from_citdl:: expr: 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER', scoperef: (<blob 'reservation.php'>, [])
    INFO: _hit_from_citdl:: expr tokens: ['QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER']
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: find 'QueryStringKeys ...' starting at (<blob 'reservation.php'>, []):
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: scoperef now (<blob 'reservation.php'>, []):
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: checking namespace aliases
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: module: 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php', symbol: None, alias: None
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: module: 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php', symbol: None, alias: None
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: module: 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php', symbol: None, alias: None
    INFO: _hits_from_first_part:: pt3: is 'QueryStringKeys' accessible on (<blob 'reservation.php'>, [])? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Checking imports, tokens[0]: 'QueryStringKeys' ... imp_elem: <blob 'reservation.php'>
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: import 'QueryStringKeys ...' from <import Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php>?
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php' from <PHP curdirlib>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php' from <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php' from <php-7.0 stdlib>? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Failed import: Pages/Ajax/AutoCompletePage.php
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: import 'QueryStringKeys ...' from <import Pages/NewReservationPage.php>?
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php' from <PHP curdirlib>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php' from <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/NewReservationPage.php' from <php-7.0 stdlib>? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Failed import: Pages/NewReservationPage.php
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: import 'QueryStringKeys ...' from <import Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php>?
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php' from <PHP curdirlib>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php' from <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)>? no
    INFO: is blob 'Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php' from <php-7.0 stdlib>? no
    DEBUG: _hit_from_elem_imports:: Failed import: Pages/ExistingReservationPage.php
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: trying import everything: tokens: ['QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER']
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: trying with lpath: ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER')
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER') in <PHP curdirlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER') in <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys', 'REFERENCE_NUMBER') in <php-7.0 stdlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: no matches found
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: trying with lpath: ('QueryStringKeys',)
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys',) in <PHP curdirlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys',) in <PHP cataloglib: pywin32, pywin32 (Python3)> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: lookup ('QueryStringKeys',) in <php-7.0 stdlib> => []
    INFO: _hit_from_elem_imports:: ie: no matches found
    ERROR: evaluating 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER' at reservation.php#29: could not resolve first part of 'QueryStringKeys.REFERENCE_NUMBER'

Did I do something wrong, or is it a bug?

Hi, thanks for sending your log. You haven’t done anything wrong. My initial impression is that we will not scan remote directories for code intelligence (potential latency, bandwidth, etc. issues). I’ll dig into this more when I have the chance, but for now you can assume that.