Google App Engine Debugging Hangs/Doesn't Start

We’re almost there! After changing Edit > Preferences > Debugger > Connection from the default “a system provided free port” to 9000, and launching via Debug > Run without Debugging, I can debug.

I also changed Edit > Preferences > Debugger to always accept a requested debugging connection, because it was painful to have to accept each request to the GAE server.

But, I get a Komodo warning with each request:

C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 8\lib\support\dbgp\pythonlib\dbgp\ RuntimeWarning: Parent module ‘dbgp’ not found while handling absolute import

How should I resolve that?


I really appreciate all the help you’ve given me. I’ve now been able to debug, albeit with a couple of issues:

  • Breakpoints: I cannot remove breakpoints once the App is launched (I can add new ones, though)
  • Import Warnings: I get numerous RuntimeWarnings about importing Komodo dbgp (as in my comment above). I don’t know what the impact of this is.

Are either of these anything you can do anything about, or for the second point, tell me what it means/consequences?


  • breakpoints - I’m seeing that too - though not exactly sure why…
  • import warning - I think it’s relatively harmless in this instance - it’s because the ‘dbgp’ module gets wiped from the sys.modules list (by GAE) once the process is started, and then when trying to import a module from inside the dbgp package, it hits this unexpected case and logs that warning - it then goes on to find the correct import in the standard library