Ctrl + Mouse wheel to scroll faster

This function was in previous versions, or maybe it was my old key bindings. Now I switched to Windows 10, reinstalled Koomodo and I can’t find how to bind this. Halp.

Ctrl+Scroll has always been about zooming, to my knowledge. Maybe you had bound it to scroll by section? Your old keybindings should still exist, Komodo does not delete them.

I formated SSD before installing Windows so no configs survived, only those I backuped from:
I don’t see anything related to scrolling in old key bindings config:

version 51
binding cmd_left Left
binding cmd_selectCharPrevious Shift+Left
binding cmd_historyBack Alt+Left
binding cmd_selectWordLeft Ctrl+Shift+Left
binding cmd_backSmart Backspace
binding cmd_back Shift+Backspace
binding cmd_right Right
binding cmd_selectCharNext Shift+Right
binding cmd_historyForward Alt+Right
binding cmd_selectWordRight Ctrl+Shift+Right
binding cmd_beginningOfWordExtend Ctrl+Shift+W
binding cmd_endOfWord Ctrl+E
binding cmd_newlineExtra Shift+Return
binding cmd_newline Return
binding cmd_newlineBare Ctrl+Return
binding cmd_newlineSame Ctrl+Shift+Return
binding cmd_linePrevious Up
binding cmd_lineNext Down
binding cmd_selectLineNext Shift+Down
binding cmd_selectLinePrevious Shift+Up
binding cmd_pageDown Page_Down
binding cmd_selectPageDown Shift+Page_Down
binding cmd_pageUp Page_Up
binding cmd_selectPageUp Shift+Page_Up
binding cmd_home Home
binding cmd_selectHome Shift+Home
binding cmd_documentHome Ctrl+Home
binding cmd_selectDocumentHome Ctrl+Shift+Home
binding cmd_end End
binding cmd_documentEnd Ctrl+End
binding cmd_selectEnd Shift+End
binding cmd_selectDocumentEnd Ctrl+Shift+End
binding cmd_selectAll Ctrl+A
binding cmd_blockSelect Ctrl+B
binding cmd_htmlTagRelocator Ctrl+Shift+Z
binding cmd_lineScrollUp Ctrl+Up
binding cmd_copy Ctrl+Insert
binding cmd_copy Ctrl+C
binding cmd_cut Shift+Delete
binding cmd_cut Ctrl+Shift+X
binding cmd_cut Ctrl+X
binding cmd_paste Shift+Insert
binding cmd_paste Ctrl+V
binding cmd_pasteAndSelect Ctrl+Shift+V
binding cmd_tabAwarePaste Ctrl+Alt+V
binding cmd_delete Delete
binding cmd_deleteWordLeft Ctrl+Backspace
binding cmd_deleteWordRight Ctrl+Delete
binding cmd_lineTransposeUp Alt+Up
binding cmd_lineTransposeDown Alt+Down
binding cmd_redo Ctrl+Y
binding cmd_undo Alt+Backspace
binding cmd_undo Ctrl+Z
binding cmd_cancel Escape
binding cmd_editReflow Ctrl+Q
binding cmd_toggleOvertype Insert
binding cmd_convertUpperCase Ctrl+U
binding cmd_convertLowerCase Ctrl+Shift+U
binding cmd_join Ctrl+K Ctrl+J
binding cmd_rawKey Ctrl+M
binding cmd_repeatNextCommandBy Ctrl+K Ctrl+U
binding cmd_editProperties Alt+Return
binding cmd_toolsRunCommand Ctrl+R
binding cmd_uncomment Ctrl+Shift+?
binding cmd_uncomment Ctrl+Shift+L
binding cmd_comment Ctrl+/
binding cmd_comment Ctrl+L
binding cmd_viewIndentationGuides Ctrl+Shift+5
binding cmd_wordWrap Ctrl+Shift+9
binding cmd_jumpToMatchingBrace Ctrl+]
binding cmd_selectToMatchingBrace Ctrl+Shift+]
binding cmd_gotoLine Ctrl+G
binding cmd_startIncrementalSearch Ctrl+I
binding cmd_startIncrementalSearch Ctrl+F
binding cmd_findNext F3
binding cmd_findNextSelected Ctrl+F3
binding cmd_findPrevious Shift+F3
binding cmd_findNextFunction F8
binding cmd_findPreviousFunction Shift+F8
binding cmd_findInFiles Ctrl+Shift+F
binding cmd_findAllFunctions Ctrl+F8
binding cmd_findNextResult Ctrl+Shift+F3
binding cmd_replace Ctrl+H
binding cmd_replaceInFiles Ctrl+Shift+H
binding cmd_startIncrementalSearchBackwards Ctrl+Shift+I
binding cmd_save Ctrl+S
binding cmd_saveAll Ctrl+Shift+S
binding cmd_new Ctrl+N
binding cmd_newTemplate Ctrl+Shift+N
binding cmd_open Ctrl+O
binding cmd_openProject Ctrl+Shift+J
binding cmd_bufferClose Ctrl+F4
binding cmd_bufferClose Ctrl+W
binding cmd_bufferNextMostRecent Ctrl+Tab
binding cmd_bufferNextMostRecent Ctrl+F6
binding cmd_bufferNextLeastRecent Ctrl+Shift+Tab
binding cmd_bufferNextLeastRecent Ctrl+Shift+F6
binding cmd_bufferNext Ctrl+Page_Down
binding cmd_bufferPrevious Ctrl+Page_Up
binding cmd_helpHelp F1
binding cmd_helpLanguageAlternate Ctrl+F1
binding cmd_helpLanguage Shift+F1
binding cmd_bookmarkToggle Ctrl+F2
binding cmd_bookmarkRemoveAll Ctrl+Shift+F2
binding cmd_bookmarkGotoNext F2
binding cmd_bookmarkGotoPrevious Shift+F2
binding cmd_completeWord Ctrl+Space
binding cmd_completeWordBack Ctrl+Shift+Space
binding cmd_triggerPrecedingCompletion Ctrl+J
binding cmd_focusEditor Ctrl+Shift+E
binding cmd_browserPreview Ctrl+K Ctrl+V
binding cmd_reloadBrowserPreview Ctrl+K Ctrl+R
binding cmd_focusSource Ctrl+K Ctrl+S
binding cmd_viewBottomPane Ctrl+Shift+M
binding cmd_viewBottomPane Ctrl+Down
binding cmd_viewPlaces Ctrl+Shift+P
binding cmd_reopenLastClosedTab Ctrl+Shift+T
binding cmd_toggleButtonText Ctrl+Shift+B
binding cmd_fontZoomIn Ctrl+Shift+=
binding cmd_fontZoomIn Ctrl+Shift++
binding cmd_fontZoomIn Ctrl+=
binding cmd_fontZoomIn Ctrl++
binding cmd_fontZoomOut Ctrl+Shift+-
binding cmd_fontZoomOut Ctrl+Shift+_
binding cmd_fontZoomOut Ctrl+-
binding cmd_fontZoomReset Ctrl+0
binding cmd_viewFullScreen Ctrl+K F11
binding cmd_refreshStatus Ctrl+K R
binding cmd_startMacroMode Ctrl+K (
binding cmd_stopMacroMode Ctrl+K )
binding cmd_executeLastMacro Ctrl+K _
binding cmd_goToDefinition F12
binding cmd_selectRectCharPrevious Alt+Shift+Left
binding cmd_selectRectCharNext Alt+Shift+Right
binding cmd_selectRectLinePrevious Alt+Shift+Up
binding cmd_selectRectLineNext Alt+Shift+Down
binding cmd_selectRectHome Alt+Shift+Home
binding cmd_selectRectEnd Alt+Shift+End
binding cmd_selectRectPageUp Alt+Shift+Page_Up
binding cmd_selectRectPageDown Alt+Shift+Page_Down
binding cmd_scope-combined-toolscmds Ctrl+Shift+K
binding cmd_showCommando Ctrl+Shift+O
binding cmd_scope-openfiles Ctrl+<
binding cmd_invokeHyperlink Ctrl+Shift+G
binding cmd_addNextWordToCaretSet Ctrl+D
binding cmd_scope-tools F5
binding cmd_viewLeftPane Ctrl+Left
binding cmd_viewRightPane Ctrl+Right
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_1 Ctrl+1
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_2 Ctrl+2
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_3 Ctrl+3
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_4 Ctrl+4
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_5 Ctrl+5
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_6 Ctrl+6
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_7 Ctrl+7
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_8 Ctrl+8
binding cmd_goToQuickBookmark_9 Ctrl+9
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_0 Ctrl+Shift+0
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_1 Ctrl+Shift+1
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_2 Ctrl+Shift+2
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_3 Ctrl+Shift+3
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_4 Ctrl+Shift+4
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_6 Ctrl+Shift+6
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_7 Ctrl+Shift+7
binding cmd_toggleQuickBookmark_8 Ctrl+Shift+8
binding cmd_newTab Ctrl+T

I had this feature sinse Komodo 7, now I can’t remember how I did it. It worked fine on Komodo 10 before I reinstalled Windows.

Try toggling Preferences > Editor > Scrolling > Enable Font Zooming via the Mouse Wheel

I already disabled it. It doesn’t make Crl+wheel to work like fast scroll. I tried now to replace whole directory C:\Users\Maestro\AppData\Local\ActiveState\KomodoEdit\10.0 from backup - didn’t worked. I’ll try to search for solution on old forum, maybe I got this from there.

Could it be that you had something installed on the OS level that facilitated faster mouse scrolling?

No, I didn’t install anything extra. And this worked only in Komodo.

I searched all over old ofurm and didn’t found anything. :worried: I’m pretty sure I’m not crazy and this worked even in Komodo 10 on my old Windows 7. It probably wasn’t a default key binding, and it wasn’t PageUp / PageDown bind for sure, because cursor (caret) didn’t moved anywhere when I scrolled with Ctrl. It was probably some kind of tweak that I come across on old forum.

Can I request this feature maybe? It was one of most handy features ever in my Komodo sinse version 7.

You’d try to request it.

Where Komodo store it’s settings? I just remembered that I also installed Komodo with all my settings on one server at work. I logged in, this tweak works there on Windows 7. I updated to Komodo 10 there - it still works. But I can’t move this feature to my PC with Windows 10. I tried to copy and replace everything from this directories:
C:\Program Files\ActiveState Komodo Edit 10
What did I missed?

Don’t copy everything from it though. Try to copy only tools and schemes folders.

Now I’m pretty sure it’s Windows 10 fault.

  1. I uninstalled Komodo.

  2. I deleted all ActiveState directories from AppData and Program Files.

  3. I tried to reproduce step by step how I installed Komodo on a server at work:

  4. Install Komodo-Edit-9.2.1-15998.msi

  5. Replace ActiveState directory in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\ to this one.

This should work on Windows 7 and fast-scrolling feature should be active there even if you have Enable Font Zooming via the Mouse Wheel checkbox on. Can someone try?

Yeah I’m fairly certain we don’t have a feature in Komodo for “fast scrolling”, that sounds like a system level feature. Maybe you should focus your attention on tweaking your OS settings rather than Komodo’s settings?