Komodo IDE X very strange lagging

Oh yeah, there is some warning there.
I’m not using this widget, i’m using git from console. I commit frequently so i can’t imagine why would it like to commit everything again :S

It’s not committing anything, but any time you change a file it has to ask your VCS what changed, which can cause a slowdown (lag) if you have a ton of files open.

If you don’t use VCS in Komodo you can just disable it from Preferences > Source Code Control. Otherwise I would recommend you clean up your repository so it doesn’t constantly have hundreds of “dirty” files. Most likely you can add a bunch of directories to your ignore file.

I would like to start using VCS with Komodo, because in version X you made it usable, so i wouldn’t like to disable it.
But I don’t understand now. I can’t use Komodo IDE with VCS with multiple (30) files open? This is odd a bit :S

What means dirty files? When i open history, i can see there is only some row what is changed in git. Why Komodo says there are too many files have changed? I don’t understand. Only one file changed in history. I think there is some issues about VCS here.

Short question is: Will i can use VCS with 30-50 opened files or not?

I’ve disabled GIT in preferences, the lag disappeared. (the log warning is stopped too)


30-50 files should be alright, though that seems like an unlikely scenario if you use VCS properly.

Dirty files are files that are modified. If Komodo or git status are listing files that you haven’t modified or don’t want to commit then you should git ignore those files.

hm? I can’t ignore all files :))
I always change some thing, then i commit and push them. Now i have only one changed “dirty” file in history without commit, so i still can’t understand why Komodo says there are a too much changed file, because there isn’t. It seems Komodo missed commits, and it believes my all changes have never commited/pushed to repo.

Is komodo listing many files in your VCS widget? or is it just one file?

I’ve checked, on VCS tab there is all files what is in my project. There is a lot of file there what I’ve never changed (js libs, php libs).

I have a local server and i have a public server.
I’m working on my local, then i commit my changes, and a GitLab script puts my changes to the public server, so my all changes committed and pushed several times. Why Komodo wants commit all files in my project? There is a lot of what i’ve never changed in the list, and there is a lot of files what i’ve changed and committed and pushed (so they are not dirty files anymore because they are committed and pushed).

So i still don’t understand, why there is a lot of file there?

It just sounds like you created a GIT repository but didn’t commit any files. Are you using GIT for the first time? Have a look at http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/, you would likely be at the “add & commit” stage.

No, not first time at all :)))
As i told, i have a fully deploy system with standalone gitlab server :)) so i know how git works, that’s my problem.I can’t understand why Komodo dies if i’ve not committed files.

For example:
I start a nodejs project, i create git repo, and install some base nodejs libs. I will got a lot of new files then i wont commit or push them, because i would like to work on my codes. The Komodo will die because there is a lot of uncommitted file? I think this is not ok…

I’ve tested git with previous Komodo version (9) with exactly same project and project file, and i don’t get lagging. So there is some problem with Komodo X git client i think.

Gotcha. Well it shouldn’t “die” unless your system basically says “I don’t like what you’re doing to my processor”. Basically Komodo’s VCS is not optimized to work with huge changesets. It will work, but it won’t work “well”. That’s something we want to improve in the future, but as of yet it is still problematic. The only solutions here I can think of is either disabling VCS or ensuring your changeset isn’t so big.

That said, from my experience big changesets are very rare because you want your commits to be iterative. Is it normal for you to have such a large changeset?