Hello there,
I’m an absolute beginner in coding. I can access and run commands on my computer provided by the tutor but if I create and save a simple python code myself like this one:
I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Note: I’ve seen that someone had the same issue of mine but it hasn’t been resolved yet and I even tried all the suggested fixes there.
Ok, after some further testing I discovered that all the files created by komodo were missing the execute permission. The tutor’s files were all rwxrwxrwx . Applying chmod 777 to the the files I create solved the problem, but you’ll have to do it manually for every file. Now the question is, how to grant komodo the ability to automatically write files with executable permission ?
@mansouraoun, check your systems umask. That’s the only way I could see Komodo saving files with the wrong permissions. We don’t do anything special with a files permissions. If it’s not umask please let me know and we can investigate further.
@mansouraoun, I’m a bit slammed today. I’m gonna have to follow up tomorrow.
If you’re interested or have time or both I got to initWithFile in our source. file which is passed into that function has a permissions property. Look for where file is created (might be a Python file called koFile.py or something). However permissions is getting set might be the culprit if it’s a Komodo issue or otherwise point us at to how Komodo is determining permissions based on your system config:
I AM going to follow up on this and the above note is ONLY if you’re interested in investigating as well. If I don’t follow up please do ping back here. #endofsprintblues
@bcotrain no change. I’ve never been able to reproduce the issue and as far as I know, no one else if hitting this issue. I assume you’re now seeing it?